Thursday, August 23, 2018


Well.... Lacy and I are heading home today.

I will be happy to never set foot in  this town again. 

With any luck the weather will be better and I can get a few photos.

We are going to have a few stops along the way... but probably no more fabric shopping.

Sadly my budget doesn't run to a double visit to Country Dawns *smiles*.

So... I'm outta here... we will be leaving soon, just need to pack up the car.


12 noon and we are having lunch at Sylvia Park in Auckland. My old stomping ground.

We are making good time... stopped in Whangarei ...

ABOVE: At the Whangarei lucky we got a half hour break without rain.

So, we are safely home again.

In total I travelled:

ABOVE:  Driving time of 12 hours exactly, average distance covered per hour of 67 kms, and 812 kms covered all up!  And my darling little car didn't miss a beat, she cruised along perfectly.
Very, very happy with her.
AND... I've come up with her name.  Which I tell you ... tomorrow.

For now, here's a few more photos of Whangarei Falls, the only place we took any photos.

 ABOVE: Lacy walking down to the head of the falls.

 ABOVE:  Standing at the top of the falls...

 ABOVE:  Heading down the bush path to the bottom... 

 ABOVE:  At the bottom.  It has been raining for days, so it was very dirty water, and lots of spray.  Got a bit wet.

ABOVE:  a few more random photos of the walk.

 ABOVE:  The falls from various advantage points.

Now... I did get a little fabric in Whangarei yesterday:

ABOVE:  I'm thrilled with the animal ones and cows... I kinda hugged them!  They are just gorgeous.

Hard to see the one on the bottom right, but it's kinda cute too. It's pigs and cows.

Now... it's time to unpack the few things I took and relax till dinnertime.  I think Stew is bringing home some salads for dinner, and we are expecting Russell too.  And some pups?

8.45 pm:  We had a lovely visit with Russell and Ange and a couple of their puppies... more on that tomorrow.
For now.. dinner is done, visitors have left and it's probably time I went to bed.  
I don't think I've ever driven that far (and back) in two days before.  It was pretty tiring.
I have an FBG walk first thing in the morning, so an added incentive to get to bed.


  1. Safe travels. Weather forecast much better today. Fingers crossed for no detours.

  2. Well done u with your walk up the falls. Beautiful scenery in this country of ours never understand y ppl spend thousands of dollars a d hours sitting in a plane going over seas

  3. Glad you arrived home safely :-)

  4. Hey Chris. Well done on the drive! Just wanted to say that you look amazing in those photos. You have lost so much weight! Your FBG's shirt is way too big. You need a smaller one. You should be really proud of yoursel xo

  5. Fab Pics Thanks for the shares, Shows us lotsa places to put on the "To Do" list for holidays .. You are both adventurous going to the Falls,, in Winter time and what a neat way to break up you guys trip.

    Will be lovely for you all to catchup tonight and guess you are looking for an early night after the 2 day travel in the new set of wheels (smiles)

    Take care

  6. Great photos... just think.. I did 1200 km in 23 hours on one of my big mainland trips on the Motorbike!

  7. Wow so pretty! I'm glad you had a safe trip.


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