Tuesday, July 31, 2018


It's taken a while, but I can finally SEE a  difference in my size between my neck and me feet!

I forgot to say yesterday, I am only .800 grams off reaching TWENTY KILOS gone (since moving here in 2016).
20 kilos... and I'm only just starting to see the difference!

That's crazy.

ABOVE:  Left photo taken a few months ago.  Right taken last night.  Different lighting, but you get the drift.

ABOVE:  I've still got a long way to go, but I'm finally happy to see some changes!  And OMG the boobs are finally shrinking too!!!!  THANK GOD.

Today I am going through my wardrobe.  I've got a lot of clothes stored in suitcases that I want to go through.  I know not many of them will fit me yet, and some will no longer appeal to me... but I feel like it will be good motivation for me to keep up the good work.

I might even start to throw out some of my current clothes!  Bit scary to think of doing that, as I've been 'here' before, thinking I'd be a totally smaller size come 'summer/winter', but never am.  But hey!   I think I will be smaller this coming summer!

Smaller.  Healthier.  Happier.

So that's my plan for the morning at least.  

Tonight I'm going to the FBG Quiz night at the Good George pub.  I've not been in ages, so I'm quite looking forward to it.


WOW!  That has got to be the best morning in a long time!
So GOOD to go through all my clothes and throw out about a third, and know that this summer I will have clothes to wear!
Some clothes that I've not worn in YEARS in fact.

And... and... I found some that I can wear RIGHT NOW too!  They are in the washing machine as I sit here.

It was such a good feeling doing that.

I got a few more photos:

ABOVE:  I'm feeling SO POSITIVE right now.  If this is how I look after losing 20 kilos (almost)... then I'm gunna look just fine after the next 20!

ABOVE:  I'm taking this lot to the local Weight Watchers meeting, someone there might like to use them?

So it's now 12.30 pm and that took me around 4 hours!  Time to stop and have some lunch, then I'm expecting Hayley from across the road for a little visit.

I've had a lovely afternoon.  Hayley stayed for quite a while and chatted, which was neat.
After she left I had a very late lunch, and then did bugger all.  Well, no not really.  I've done quite a bit of washing, rotating it all through the drier to air it off.

Dinner tonight is 'Get it Yourself'... though I've got franks out of the freezer for them to have with Spaghetti or Baked Beans on toast.  I'm going out!  

Well... Stew ended up joining us FBG's for Quiz Night!  We needed his sports knowledge!  And he certainly helped.  Our team ended up coming 3rd, which is great!  Better 3rd than last.  *smiles*

 ABOVE:  The evening was held in the 'outside' Garden Bar, which was great as it didn't get too hot and we all had plenty of room.

ABOVE: The team tonight (plus me).  A lovely bunch.  It was rather enjoyable.  

Time to wind down for the day now... it's been a neat day!


  1. Shrinking boobs are great !! Yes, you are looking much better and if it's any consolation I've been reasonably low carb now for seven years and have only regained a small amount of the weight I lost. In the past I always regained all the lost weight and put on more! Low carb has been the only "diet" that has allowed me to live normally and not worry about the great swings in weight lost and gained. I'm pretty sure you'll find the same will happen with you. It's very freeing to be not controlled by food as I certainly was.

    Did you see this wonderful article about Cambridge yesterday? You are so lucky to have moved there!!! https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/105705067/expressway-the-making-of-cambridge

  2. Good job!
    you look great.


  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Shrinking boobs haha you'll have to roll em and peg them up George's Mum

  4. Oh I wish I had your stamina. I used to be 110 lbs now in my older age I finally got the boobs I wanted in high school and now I don't want them or need them. Oh well what ever. Keep on going you are lookin good.

  5. Fantastic Chris! Definitely see a huge difference!

  6. way to go looking good

  7. Good job, have fun!

  8. Looking great Chris, keep up the great work.

  9. Looking Good :-).

  10. Can certainly see the difference. Well Done Chris you look great.

  11. Sandy in the USA12:42 PM

    Wow you're looking fantastic! Good job, keep going :)

  12. Maria1:47 PM

    Please smile in the new photos! You are looking good, great work, it must be nice to be able to get into smaller clothes.

  13. great pictures!!! You are looking amazing!!! Christy xxxx

  14. Wow. What a difference

  15. Great photos today. I don't know how you keep track of them like that and recreate wiith the same clothes. You are very organized. And with the pics of the hedge, too. I could never find a picture again , like that!

    1. I save them into Folders, named with what they are. It's not that complicated.

    2. That's a VERY good idea.

  16. beans on toast sounds like a good idea think we might just have that here

  17. Looking great, keep up the good work. 😀

  18. I can really see the difference, even your calves are smaller! Sooooo proud of you xx

  19. Wow, well done.

  20. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Looking great, can really see the difference.


  21. Well done you !! Every wee step you have taken,, has paid off,,, to becoming a big change,, in eating patterns, and the results are amazing

    Great blog with the lovely clourful pics added . Looks like you don't need much summer shopping,,, to restock your wardrobe...

    Enjoy the night out as well..

  22. Oh Chris wow that's awesome can I be cheeky and ask to look through some of the clothes I need things for rarotonga and the wedding. .... would there be anything suitable?

  23. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Looking awesome ! Michelle from Oz

  24. Looking good, good lookin' :)

  25. Well done Chris! Keep up the good work.

  26. Wow good before and after photos and can definetley see a difference and I bet you are chuffed to bits with such a good weight loss and things will only get better health wise and you will keep away from the insulin.One question I have been meaning to ask but do you have retinal screening done in NZ? Us diabetics receive a letter through the post inviting us to go for a scan where they put drops into the eyes to make the pupils go larger then after around twenty minutes you go not a darkened room and have four photos taken two for each eye then two weeks later they send you a letter letting you know if everything is fine or whether they have found any retinal damage being done...Wendy(UK)

  27. You are looking fantastic. Huge difference!!! Get rid of those clothes. I'm in the same position. Lose 20 kilos, put on 25, endless cycle. This time I'm going down down down and I'm gonna rid of most of those huge clothes. Don't them hanging around!
    Sell em and get yourself a 'new' wardrobe!!! Be good to yourself.

  28. If you could lose the weight, but keep the boobs, THAT would be great!
    I hope you'll donate your old clothes, not throw them away.
    Looks like you had a fun night out!


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