Tuesday, July 24, 2018


I'm full of a cold... and sleeping in.

Come back later.
Short and to the point eh? lol

Well it's 10.30 am and I simply cannot stay in bed any longer.  I'm bored.  I've got shit to do.
And thanks to Paracetemol, I feel a bit better. Actually, I feel much better than I did last night.
Maybe I'm going to come right real quick?

ABOVE:  Being bored in bed.

So now I'm up and have put a load of washing on.  And am about to get myself something to eat...BRUNCH.
Not sure what to have yet, but it will be WARM, cos it's quite cold outta bed.

ABOVE:  Marley is mad at me, because I won't throw her toy for her to fetch.  I don't want to be doing that a THOUSAND times today.  She just doesn't give up wanting it to be thrown for her,  UNLESS I refuse to do it in the first place.

Then I get the stink eye.  Or two.

2.15 pm:  I've had lunch, done the washing, played with the dogs, and that's about all!
Got dinner sorted for the family as I hope to go to Card night tonight.
I'm feeling much better.  My knee is groaning a bit though... so probably no walk tomorrow.  Maybe on Thursday or Friday.

I don't have any energy right now, so am just going to blob out for another hour or so.  So, nothing happening around here!

Feeling pretty proud of myself!  On this computer, the PC all-in-one, in my pictures there's a gaping big hole.  NO photos from 2016!
I'm thinking, where the hell are they all?
Then I remembered.  I'd been using my laptop during that year.  So I go down, open it up and boom!  There they all are!

So I get my OLD external hard drive, and have a go at downloading all the photos, so I can transfer them to my PC.

And it worked!  Well... it's still downloading, but it's working!
I did ring and talk to Steve, once it was downloading, cos I wasn't sure I had done it right... what if it was just copying all 44,000 photos back onto the computer?  AS in, doubling up all of them?

But nope, I had done it right!  So. Feeling very happy with myself.

The next step will be to get them to download from the external hard drive to my PC.  Hopefully that will go without a hitch either. 

Yaaaa.... lots happened in 2016 and it will be good to have those photos saved (backed up) as well.

Stew had a quiet evening.  Brylee was at work.  Griffin was watching his girlfriend dance in a school production, and I was out at Card night with a few girlfriends!

I had a lovely evening, I always do at card night!  I just love playing cards, and the company is always enjoyable.

My friend Sue T had been on a winning streak, but tonight....she was the loser.

ABOVE: Trying to get a decent photo of her tonight was a mission!  lol
It was just a bit of fun!  

And on that note... I'm off to watch Coronation Street.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Feel better soon!

  2. Burger. Hope you're feeling chipper when you get up 😚

  3. Omg. That said "Bugger. Hope you're feeling chirpier when you get up!! It turned it into burger and chippies!

  4. Oh no! I hope that you are feeling heaps better soon.

  5. Rest up and feel better soon. xx

  6. Best thing you can do is rest, rest & rest. Lots of fluids and lots of sleep, take a couple of panadol too.

  7. wah, I had a horrible cold 2 two weeks ago, cold sores still lingering yuuuckkk, Christy x

  8. Noooo! I forbid you to get sick! Drink a half gallon of orange juice all at once. Not sugary orange juice,

  9. You have a beautiful morning view of your lovely lawn. I say stay in bed! I can see now why you want the hedge to grow.

  10. House full of colds here too.

  11. It’s cold here ,well it has got up to 12, weather warnings out for the wind and thunder storms forecast. Beautiful ��

  12. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Great to hear you're feeling better. If your knee continues to groan at you, but you want to get out and do some exercise, you could get back on the bike for a ride! Liz

  13. I woke up all stuffed up and with a headache too :(

  14. U r getting a real computer whizz kid. Who said "can't teach an old tart new tricks"

  15. Hope the illness is a short one - already going away would be even better.

  16. Well done you doing that comp transfer stuff

    Sometimes we just get a lightbulb moment and can get it done !! Its a matter with me,, of keeping the lightbulb turned on !!!

    I have had a few more summers and winters alive than you,, lol so I have an excuse !!!

    Those ext hardrives are such a gr8 invention.


  17. Its so nice when the kids are out now and again and you have the house to yourself (or Stew's self!).

  18. What card game do you play? My hubby and I are just learning to play cribbage. It's kind of fun. But counting to 15 is a bit of a challenge for us artsy fartsy folks!


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