Thursday, June 07, 2018


Yesterday I got no sewing done at all. Which is a bit of a bugger, as I really want some tree runners to take to market on Sunday.

So today I shall be getting at least two finished, all going well.

I'm really happy that this month I am assured of the 'spot' I want for market too. No having to go down extra early and line up to be allocated my site. It's sorted. Yaaa.

Now I just have to pray for a dry, not too cold day.

I had planned on going on a FBG walk early this morning, but after having a dicky tummy all day yesterday, I thought it might be prudent to stay home until I'm sure it's settled down!

Steve, Bex and their kids are coming for the weekend. Certainly can't accuse them of ignoring us (unlike some I'll not mention). There is a reason though, Steve is working down in the Waikato on Saturday. So staying here is logical.

As they are the only ones who bother to visit us with their kids, I refuse to let anyone say we 'favor' them.

It is what it is. Some care and show it.

THANK YOU to my darling niece Christina (lives in Melbourne, Australia). It was lovely of you to ring and wish us a Happy Wedding Anniversary last night.  Love you.

I have spent the morning (get this)... re-arranging coffee tables and contents! Madness. Seriously, it's the little things that scream at me to be fixed! I'm so over clutter, but I must have everything I need/want 'at hand'. *sigh*

I'm getting better at biting my tongue!  I totally felt like having a rant today... but I held it in.  There will not be a PESPI update either, it's nothing to write about really, just my mood right now.  Feeling a bit down is all.

ABOVE:  Another Green Tree Runner done.  Kiwiana fabric included in this one.

The 2nd one should be finished later on tonight.

Time to sort out dinner... sausages and veg tonight, pretty boring really.  

And it's the end of the day, Coronation Street is on and I'm snuggled under my electric throw enjoying the peace and quiet.

Time to sign off for the day, catch you tomorrow.


  1. The tree runners should do well at your market. If not now, then definitely closer to Christmas. What about a Christmas tree runner tree skirt? I think a pretty tree skirt can make a Christmas tree.
    Stomach bugs are no fun. Hope you’re feeling better.

  2. And Santa sacks !! You could have some on display and have an option to personalise them. The ones you buy are too small so a medium sized Santa “boot” shape could be good.

  3. Hopefully the weather is nice for the market on Sunday :-).

  4. Are you still making your alcohol ink tiles? Just saw some of the inks in a craft shop and thought of you! They might sell too...

  5. Lovely some of the family coming this weekend.. More treasured times and photos to add to the blog .. hope markets go down good this time as well ..ENJOY


  6. It is beautiful Chris. Enjoy your weekend with the kids.


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