Friday, June 29, 2018


My Highlander has Thule Roof Racks on it.
We are wanting to keep them, and the car yard where we are trading it in on another vehicle said they are happy for us to take them off and keep them.

So, that's awesome right?

ONLY... we can't find the bloody keys to get it off the damn roof!

We had a pretty good look for them last night, but to no avail.

So today I am going to spend a while checking out everywhere we didn't look last night... more obscure places I might have put them to keep them 'safe'.  *sigh*

If I can't find them, I will ring around and see if anyone has a 'Master Key' for Thule roof racks!  Probably dreaming.

I will be really pissed off if we have to part with the Highlander and the roof racks go with it. 

The other thing I have to do today is take all our stuff out of my car.  And give it a rudimentary clean.  I know I don't have to do a massive clean because they get their cars professionally groomed for re-sale.  I ain't no professional!

So, that is my day planned so far.  If I can find someone with a Master Key for the roof racks, I will be heading into Hamilton I suppose.


2 AND A HALF HOURS LATER.... I am home from Hamilton.
I tracked down a key for the roof racks at a place out Te Rapa straight. Then I went and got a key ring and got it engraved so I never lose the bloody key again.

Get home... and it goes like this:

 ABOVE: This is the Thule key to our roof BOX,  so we were looking for the same kind of key for the Thule roof racks, right?  Couldn't find them.
Tipped the house and car upside down trying to find them.

 ABOVE:  So this is the NEW key and key ring, cost me $44 and two and a half hours in Hamilton.

I get home... thinking, the number on the new key rings a *BELL*...

So I go over to the only keys we did find last night....

ABOVE: The spare car keys and a 'mystery' bunch....

ABOVE:  And DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!  There's the missing roof rack keys!  Right on the bloody bench all night.  OMG I'm now just a little pissed off.
Stew.... ???? Didn't try those ones did ya?

*sigh*.... THINK I NEED A COFFEE.  Only I don't drink coffee.  

So now I shall go and clean out my car.  And put the roof racks in the garage.

2.21 pm:  And everything is out of my car, and it's ready to be vacuumed. Brylee is going to do that for me so I don't get a back ache.
I've done some washing.  Had me lunch.  Watched Home and Away.  Put dinner on, which is a beef stew in the crock pot.  And that's about all.

Kinda lazy afternoon really.

Next... ring the Insurance Company to advise them of our changing vehicles. 

And yes!  The Insurance is all sorted, our vehicles are insured till we exchange them, then the 'new to us' ones will be insured when we drive them off the lot.  SORTED.  Big tick.

Just had a yak with me Mum in Aussy, she's off OP Shopping with a neighbour. She sounded very happy to be fit and well enough to go shopping again!  Thank goodness for medical marvels like non invasive nerve surgery!

Dinner smells good.  I'm not hungry though, I had my main meal at lunchtime, that's when I seem to need my biggest meal of the day. Works for me.

Right... time to sign off, Coronation Street is on.
We are getting our new cars.   I say 'NEW', but they are used cars... but NEW TO US.  Much newer than our current cars, and with lower mileage obviously.   So, come back tomorrow!
I've got heaps to show you!  Lots to yak about!



  1. Maria9:16 AM

    would the locks be in the car itself, in a tool box, or seldom used compartment?

    1. That was my thought - in the glovebox or with the instruction manual?

    2. Neither! Was where I keep all the spare key all along. Grrrrrrrrr..... after all that!

  2. One thought about getting a smaller car - more room in the garage if you choose to store it there!!!

  3. WEll what an adventure !!!!! Dont want to burden you any more, BUT "Been there, done that" and the only consolation I always say,,,, is we have kept another small business open for the day lol

    I know you will be happy you kept the roof racks smile at that at the end of the day and the other will get lost in thew back of your mind

    Love that you share those things with us,,, cos we have that sort of thing happen quite often!!!!

    and in the end cos you guys there work as a team ,,,Like Brylee will have done the vaccing for you,, it all adds to a big happy family before the weekend!!! lol

    Happy motoring will be all yours by Sunday once both cars are done and Garaged !!!

  4. Can't wait to see the pics of the new cars :-).

  5. I had a roof rack on an old truck I used to have. Even though I had the key, the lock was so corroded, the key wouldn't fit in. I eventually got it to work though..
    Also, I have a giant wad of keys, as big as a cantelope. All the spare keys are there.
    $44 for a key tag?!?! Why not just use a paper lebel?

  6. Your day sounds painful. Enjoy the new car.

  7. omg the keys! Scott is horrible about losing keys lol.


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