Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Today I am working on binding Table Runners ... I still have three to do.

AND THEN... I get to make another one!

Yesterday I sold two, and got an order for anther one!  So, I'm going to be doing a lay out for the next one sometime today too.

It is going to feature some 'Kiwiana' fabrics, so that's going to be fun, working out where to put each fabric.  (another Tree Runner)

Those Tree Table Runners certainly are proving to be popular with my Blog/Facebook readers!

Thanks girls.

In between the sewing, I still have to do the housework and entertain the dogs.  What fun!
Never a dull moment right now, that's for sure.

I was going on a walk this morning, but will now hold off and go on the same one tonight... all going well.

So much depends on my energy levels when it comes to the walking.  Though, I must say, my energy levels are starting to pick up!

And my twice daily blood tests are looking AMAZING!  All are in the perfectly 'normal' range!  NORMAL!  I can't get over that.

OK, there's a few lows thrown in too, but I'm managing them.  It's all a balancing act right now.

Medication/Food/Exercise... I'm on to it. 

OH and I am no longer feeling sick AT ALL... and I wake up feeling just fine!  After waking up feeling like death warmed up, nauseous and HORRIBLE for the past 8 years or so, I realise that it was totally down to (don't say I told you so please)... poor diet.

I'm a pig headed, stubborn tart... and it took having a big scare with the threat of insulin injections to make me sit up and take notice, and pull my bloody finger out!

But... let's not dwell on that aspect... let's just go YAAAA!  I'm now on the  right track, and so is Stew.

We are doing good. 

I shall be going to the Post Office late this afternoon to post off 2 of the Table Runners too.  Natalie and Margaret... keep your eyes peeled for mail!  *smiles* 


FROSTY start to the day.  Freezing ... feel sorry for the kids having to go out in that to get to school!


ABOVE:  I'm ready to start hand stitching the next Tree Table Runner... all rugged up!

ABOVE:  2.45 pm, and I've finished three with one to go.
Then I can get on with making the next one.

Just posted Natalie and Margaret's ones, the top two.  

As I'm starting to have blurry vision from all that close hand stitching, I'm taking a break.

Might just blob out in front of the telly till it's time to cook dinner.

Which will be chicken breasts cooked (shrugging shoulders) ... SOMEHOW.  lol

Well ... dinner was Chicken Tika Masala.  The family had it with rice, even Stew had a little rice.  I didn't have any as I was going out.

I went on another FBG walk ... in the pitch dark, super brisk, foggy evening!  It was a nice walk, and about 4.3 kms long.  We did it in 48 minutes or so.

Now my shins are a bit sore.  2nd good walk this week though, so I'm happy.

I'm now under me blankie watching Coronation Street!  Signing off now, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. It is so wonderful to hear you doing so well. Be proud of your hard work to get things under control. It's not easy!

  2. So happy you're on the upswing. :)
    I LOVE the Christmas tree runners. Just gorgeous!

  3. Massive high five to both you Stew - it's never too late to change and I'm hoping that the difference this has made will help influence others (including the doctor). I am so happy that you are doing this - it was hard for me (and others who read your blog) to watch your health declining. You've got this!!!

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM

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  5. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Hi the runners look so lovely, do you have heating in your house ? I have ducted reverse cycle heating so my whole house is lovely and warm all winter and cool in summer....


  6. Pig-headed, stubborn - you???? Never noticed 😂😂😂😂😂

  7. So glad you are finally feeling so much better! Funny how we neglect ourselves and dont realise the damage we are doing!


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