Saturday, May 12, 2018


I pretty much slept like a log last night, and woke up around 8 !
It was wonderful.

But now, it's back to it.  I am going to make another owl mobile today.  And sort out the layout of my stall.

Stew is going into town at some point to print and laminate some signs for me.

Apart from all that, there is the usual washing/housework to get done.

So it will be a fairly 'normal' day around here.


ABOVE:  There ya go, another pink owl mobile.  I think I've got just enough time to make one more, probably in greens.

Some good news... I just heard from the Sunday Market admins, I can have the stall site I've used before, which means I don't have to line up and wait to be allocated a site at 6.30 am tomorrow morning!
I can just go to my site and set up, and I know just how much space I have, where I am and yeah... it's awesome!

Such a relief.  I could have been put ANYWHERE... and no guarantee of having a roof over my head... and it's gunna rain tomorrow!

ABOVE:  The last one for now.  I can whip them up in just under 2 hours now!

Off to set up the tables and work out how to set things out, now that I have MORE stuff!

6.50 pm:  Far out!  It has taken me probably 2 hours to set up the stall!  don't ask me why... it just did.
I had to make labels, sort out where everything would fit nicely, pin things onto stands, arrange the table in such a way that everything was easy to see/access.... *sigh*.  

Now it's done, and I have to take it all down and pack it up ready for tomorrow morning!

But... I'm taking a break before doing that.  Stew cooked up the most delicious roast pork dinner tonight.  I'm so lucky he's handy in the kitchen.

I am totally knackered, I've been on the go all bloody day.  So, once I've packed up the stall, I shall be blobbing out in front of the TV.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Wow you whip those owls up quick.

  2. Good luck at your market!

  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Beautiful owls 😍😍 good luck tomorrow


  4. The owls are so cute!


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