Thursday, May 03, 2018


I went to bed last night feeling sick as a dog.

No idea why I felt so ill.

I hope today is better.

The anti-nausea pills didn't seem to help much yesterday.

Now today?  Well once my feet hit the floor I'm going to get a load of washing on, then who knows?

Possibly make another heart or three?  
Seriously, lately my days are full of NOTHING!

I'm like boring.  Bored.  Lacking energy something rotten.  Obviously that's down to the 'no carb eating'.  I almost don't miss the carbs.  But I'll tell you this, I'm almost sick to death of meat and veges/salads, yogurt and berries.

And don't show me a bloody egg!  We virtually never ate eggs till recently... then we overloaded on them I reckon.  

What else can we eat please???  

Right this minute I feel semi OK... I hope it lasts.


OK... it's a GLORIOUS day out there!  Simply stunning.  Not a cloud in the sky, and crisp.  Just how I love it.  Brylee did bitch about it being freezing when she got to school, and yep, it was fairly cold first thing... but GLORIOUS.

I'm feeling not so ill today, but still overwhelmingly tired.

"Go see a dietican".... so helpful?  Yeah not really... cos I am already waiting to see some at the hospital in a 3 weeks eh?  

Almond bread... OMG yes!  I'm off to the bloody supermarket as soon as I hit 'Publish' on this!  

A couple of times I've had a slice of Burgen whole grain bread for breakfast... with vegemite and cream cheese.  But I will switch to that cheese and bacon almond bread if we like it.  I need to get bread for the kids too... poor buggers, there's none in the house!

I just heard from TRACY up in Auckland, she's bought one of my table runners off my new Facebook page!  WHOOP whoop!  And the bloke who bought our freezer has paid too... so I'm off to settle my dental bill in full too.  WHOOP WHOOP!

I needed that!  Getting out was wonderful.  And I met no less than 4 girls I knew, so stopped and chatted for a while with them all.  So my little trip downtown took me almost 2 hours!

 ABOVE:  I couldn't find almond 'flour', but I think this is the same?   I hope so, cos I am going to cook with it later on.

While in town, I visited the local op shops, have not done that in ages.  Ran into two friends in them.  More yakking.  *smiles*

 ABOVE: I found treasure!  A super handy basket, and two more melamine trays for my collection...

ABOVE:  my collection, though I do believe there are more behind those piles!  Some are larger than these ones, but mostly we use this size.  And 90% of them I've bought in op shops for around 50 cents to a dollar!  They are super handy when you have lots of people over and need little plates.

I also found a nice black, lightweight winter top for a few dollars.  Not very often I find clothes that actually FIT in an op shop!  SCORE. 

It's now almost 2 pm and I need me lunch! 

9.39 pm:  A good afternoon and evening.  I bought something off Cambridge Buy, Sell and Swap tonight, will show you tomorrow.

Dinner tonight was a standard mince stew.  

Coronation Street is on... so I gotta go!


  1. I'm sorry you are feeling unwell - perhaps check back with the doctor? Regarding low carb/cooking etc, you need to look on this like a job right now. You said you are bored so you have time to do research and to cook. Read up on all the different foods you can make and eat. Start with,, or google some recipes. There are tons of meals you can make that don't involve eggs and meat. It is an entirely different way of eating and if you don't embrace more low carb foods you will give up.

    There are amazing low carb pizzas (the fathead base is amazing and I also have a great recipe). You can make keto mug cakes with whipped cream, seed crackers, paleo buns, muffins and cakes. I'm not one for making lots of sweet things now but it's still nice to have a bit of cake or a treat. Yes, you will have meat for most main meals but there are so many other foods that you can make and enjoy. Some you will make and not like, others will become favourites. There are great low carb cereals now in all the supermarkets - Ceciles brand is lovely and the seeds and nuts one is 9.8g per serving. A little of that with your yoghurt and fruit is delicious.

    You need the ingredients in your pantry, that's the first step. I haven't had normal flour in my house now for seven years but still make many of the same things only almond meal, coconut flour and LSA. Seriously, some of the muffins are great and you'd never know they were low carb.

    I'm pretty sure that when you go to your weight management clinic they will tell you to introduce more carbs - heck the official diabetes information includes about 50 of carb at every meal! It's entirely up to you if you want to do that, you have to figure out what works for you. It's good that you are now testing your blood so you will at least know what affects you.

    1. 100% with Lynda. You have the time to really research this. Get googling then cooking! :)

  2. I've made this Cheese and Bacon bread from Aussieketoqueen, it was delicious and goes great with soup for lunch....

    Keto Cheese and Bacon Bread
    Keto Cheese and Bacon Bread
    This loaf has all the best things about keto, loaded with bacon and cheese, eggs and almond flour. Perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack!

    Prep Time 12 minutes
    Cook Time 45 minutes
    Total Time 57 minutes
    Servings 10
    Calories 292 kcal

    200 grams bacon
    1.5 cups almond flour
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 tablespoon baking powder
    4 tablespoons butter melted and cooled
    1/3 cup sour cream
    2 eggs
    1 cup grated tasty cheese
    Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and line and grease a loaf pan (I use silicone - nothing sticks to it!)
    Dice the bacon rashers and fry in a large frying pan until just crispy.
    Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the almond flour, salt and baking powder, breaking up any lumps in the flour.
    In a smaller bowl, whisk together the sour cream and eggs until it is a smooth consistency.
    Once the bacon is cooked, combine the almond flour with the sour cream and eggs and mix thoroughly until combined.
    Stir through the melted butter and then gently fold through the cooked bacon and cheese.
    Pour into the prepared loaf tin and bake for 45 - 50 minutes until a skewer comes out completely clean. Let cool before slicing, if you can wait!

    Nutrition Facts
    Keto Cheese and Bacon Bread
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories 292 Calories from Fat 234
    % Daily Value*
    Total Fat 26g 40%
    Saturated Fat 9g 45%
    Cholesterol 73mg 24%
    Sodium 320mg 13%
    Potassium 194mg 6%
    Total Carbohydrates 4g 1%
    Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
    Protein 10g 20%
    Vitamin A 7.1%
    Calcium 18.3%
    Iron 5.8%
    * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

    1. How big is the serving? Like... the whole loaf? lol!

    2. Serves 10. But i never measure it!!

  3. What Lynda said!!! It will take your body some time to adjust to the changes, in the meantime, keep learning & researching and experimenting with this new way of living. It won't be long I am sure until you are feeling better and low carb will become easier & easier. Keep a record of what you eat vs your blood sugar reading, this will help you decide what works for you.

    No time to be bored, you have a new challenge now :-)

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Go see a dietician

  5. Find some low carb bread at the supermarket. Have some toast for breakfast, or a slice for lunch. And again, once you've got a diet plan in place you'll be fine. I know plenty of diabetics who eat bread (my office mate lives on the stuff) so perhaps you're not doing yourself any favours by cutting it out entirely?

  6. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I think just cutting out the processed carbs such as cakes, white flour is great, you can still have hi fibre carbs or low GI carbs.. Maybe have some grilled cheese on toast today ? as this is a very long term process it will be good to follow the dietitians advice when you get to the appointment. On a long term basis it is very hard to cut out a particular food group it just doesn't work. Look at the diabetes association on line and find some food advice ? Your body needs some carbs to fuel the muscles for energy.


  7. Anonymous11:14 AM

    It is such a pity that it takes sooo long to get in to see a dietician, It took my daughter 6 weeks when she needed it virtually straightaway. I always have toast for breakfast so that would be a huge struggle for me to give up.


  8. I know it's hard to think lkke this, and you don't need to go crazy on it, in fact it would be a good idea not to. But you are able to embrace more foods you would have limited before. Cheese, salami, bacon, avocado, nuts are probably not on your radar but they are a good start! Sounds crazy, but berries and cream if you are craving something sweet! I find this harder than losing the Carbs, because we have been so trained to avoid fat. It doesn't pay to lose yourself but you can embrace this more than you have in the past.

  9. the other night we had a Caesar salad with sliced chicken... ours had a tiny amount of croutons, but it's easy to do without them. Cos lettuce, (maybe tomato to up the veges?), shaved parmesan, bacon bits, Caesar dressing (I only use a teeeeny amount, it's quite strong), you could add a boiled egg, or anchovies?.... delicious and filling! Christy xxxxx

    1. That sounds yum, if you still wanted the crunchy element that the croutons give either grill bacon til crunchy to add some fried shallots :-). Anchovy are compulsory!!!!

  10. I have a recipe for low carb pumpkin bread if you are interested?
    It is hard to get over that low carb flu that comes with this way of eating but you are doing great!

  11. If you are buying almond meal you can now get bags of it in the supermarkets for around $8 for 400g - the stuff in the help yourself bins works out way too expensive.

    1. Yes, that almond meal will do fine. The almond flour is usually with the nuts and seeds in Pac n Save and Countdown. It's the same stuff but just with the brown husk removed so it's white like blanched almonds. I notice that recipe says it crumbles easily so perhaps another egg might help if you find it's too crumbly? I must give it a go myself - if you go to aussiekeoqueen there are loads more recipes! Just remember that higher fat/healthy fat only works with lower carbs. Yum... make that bread and let us know what it's like!!

    2. I didn't find it too crumbly.... but I did cut thick slices!! :-)

  12. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I brought a thermomix about 8 mths ago to help out with getting back to basics. We have saved a stack of money and eat pretty clean these days. There are 1000s of recipes to cook in them. I love it. They are expensive but its helped me meal plan and cut back dairy and wheat ( i have gut issues ) Bee Gold Coast

  13. Have you looked on Pinterest for recipes? So much good stuff


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