Wednesday, November 08, 2017


It's half way through the week and I'm actually feeling ragged!
Don't know why, I've not been that busy.

I actually have nothing on today... well nothing until 6 pm, when I have a walk booked.
Fingers crossed it's not rained off, we are supposed to be getting some rain today.

It would be cool if it was cloudy and cool though, I love walking when it's not too hot.

My hips has virtually stopped aching ... which suggests the walking has been causing it.  That's a worry!  I will know for sure after tonight's walk... it's a long walk.

If it turns out that my hips are killing me tomorrow I will know that I have to change something. Maybe shorter distances or less frequently.

I'm hoping it's nothing serious brewing?  It would just be my luck that too much walking is doing my hips in!

So ... Card night last night. My second time playing 'Scum'.  It's  a really neat game, and I think I am starting to get my head around the rules.  There's quite a bit to learn.
Last night we had about 4-5 hands, and at the conclusion of the evening I had won!

Of course, mostly it's down to the cards  you are dealt, but still... I won!  I got the winners trophy:

ABOVE:  I get to keep it for two weeks... then I have to hand it back.  I'm really chuffed I won it after only going to cards twice.  *smiles*

I should be having my blood tests done today, but seriously... I ate quite a few 'treat's last night at cards, so maybe I will wait a few days!
There should have been one of these in front of me:

ABOVE:  That sure would have stopped me dipping my fingers in the goody bowl!

I think I will get some washing done this morning, then do some sewing.  I will work on the Cute Bag I started yesterday.  I feel like it's going to be stunning!  *smiles*


Well the expected rain has arrived with a bang.  Very wet and windy this morning.
So, ain't gunna do any washing today!

Brylee has a cold.  She gave it to Keera.  Now I'm getting it too.  Got a sore throat and a bit snotty.  Grrrr.
Hopefully it doesn't develop into a full blown flu like cold.  Been there, done that already.

I love that it's suddenly so much cooler again.  I wonder if tonight's walk will be postponed?  Maybe the rain will clear by then.

Frustratingly, I've been feeling like utter crap the past few hours, and even took some pills and lay down.  Looks like I've got the cold for sure.
I just cancelled out of the walk tonight which makes me cross.  I'm missing walking so much.

8.01 pm:  A quiet afternoon, finally got on top of my headache.  But still feel ikkk.
Watching the puppies playing just now, and poor Coco!  Marley was hanging off one of her ears!  And she wouldn't let go, so I had to save Coco.  lol

Calm evening ahead.  


  1. All you sew is stunning kiddo

  2. Hope you start feeling better soon. I also got the cold don't help when the boys sneeze in your face haha. And stupid wisdom teeth 😭😭😭 bag of misary over here haha. Xx

    1. Does Steve do that too Bex, or just the little boys? ;-)

      Hope you both feel better soon!

  3. Your hip pain might just be a sign of wear and tear on your frame. I know when I walk for any distance my hips ache for quite a few days after. My strong pain killers help (I only take them at night) but some days are worse than others. Now that I've lost all my weight it's not as bad for for many years it was just a side effect of walking. That and the shin splints. You just kind of put up with it, knowing it's going to happen. Eventually, when the weight is gone, it subsides somewhat. Think of all the years of extra wear and tear they've endured. It's no wonder they complain when we do stuff out of the ordinary. Hips, back, shins and knees. All of these know when I exercise (even now!). Good luck. It might be all down to finding a good anti inflammatory to take afterwards. Chat to your doc or see what the chemist has to offer. xxx

  4. Try using walking sticks. They tend to make you use your shoulders more than your hips. Sounds weird I know but it changes your whole gait. I have arthritis in my knees and one hip. It makes a world of difference. I just use an old pair of ski poles.

  5. I get hip pain when I do a lot of walking too, probably due to being overweight. My main problem is my bloody middle toe, for some reason after about 4-5km it starts to hurt like a bugger - no idea why!! Usually after a bit of a break I can carry on for another couple of km.

    If you & Brylee are laid up with colds I guess poor old Griffin will just have to take on the household chores haha :-)

  6. You can gargle with salt water for the sore throat and I don't know if you have ever used a nettie pot and salt water for your sinus, but it really kills inflammation and clears up your head and sore throat too. I agree - anything you sew is beautiful. My best friend stopped at my house today and used the puter - she started to smile and then laugh - she had spotted the little "mug rug" you had made me with the "ladies" on it (about not having hot flashes - only tropical vacations) -as I use that one for a mouse pad. I was so proud to be able to say it came ALL the way for New Zealand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so very much!

  7. Stretching when finished walking helps heaps.. I've been going to physio lately and have been showed exercises to do around the muscles on my hips and down the back of my legs..and having acupuncture.. It's helped heaps

  8. Finally been able to hook into internet in Aussie phone through a spaz


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