Friday, October 06, 2017


I'm feeling really positive today.
You won't have known it, but I've felt really 'down in the dumps' for the past week or so.
Probably down to the pain in my back/arm and so on.
And partly due to being in a weight loss slump.

I am over it though.  I know that my weight loss is going fine, I'm just in a 'consolidation' phase!  I will work on staying the same for a little while, then launch into losing again soon.

It's what I've been doing for a year now, and it's working!

I'm going to work on that quilt today... I think I have worked out what I'm going to do with it.  I did some unpicking yesterday in readiness for today.

Time to get moving...


 ABOVE:  Our 'walk' photos from last night.  Brylee really enjoyed coming with us, she got to walk one of the dogs.

ABOVE:  See the tree... it has a 'fat bottom' too!  And the sign on the house... rather funny.  The little dog in the window was going mental at us!

2.50 pm:  And I'm completely knackered!
Instead of sewing, I decided to get the grocery shopping over and done with, so our weekend was 'free' to do fun stuff.

I also wanted to look for some summer Skechers... preferably white.  So Brylee and I went into town, first to Center Place.  No luck there.
Then we went to Chartwell Square, again, no luck.
Finally, we ended up at The Base... and bugger me!  No luck there either.   By this time I had given up on finding nice white Skechers that I actually liked, and had chosen some nice black ones with a white heel.  But there were NONE in my size in Hamilton.

How bloody typical!  So, next weekend when we are up in Auckland picking up our puppy, we can go to the dedicated Skecher shop in Sylvia Park and get some there ... HOPEFULLY!

After all that, which took over 2 hours, we did the grocery shopping... and came home.

Griffin was helpful in getting all the groceries out of the car for us, and helping put it away.   Probably the most exercise he's had all week!

I'm now going to take a break before heading off into the sewing room.  

Can't believe it! I did not get to do any sewing today at all!
When Stew got home we decided to take the big kids out to dinner... take advantage of not having a little 5 year old around!

We went to a proper grown up restaurant... and had an utterly amazing dinner!

Photos tomorrow.

For now... it's Coronation Street, then bed.


  1. Oh....hi FAT BOTTOM GIRLS how are you all, Hi Molly, was so neat to meet some of you and join in on a couple of walks.
    Ma you back neck shoulder and arm sounds very similar to what mine was....Go to the dam doctor.
    Xx from the morning grouch lol

  2. Glad you are feeling happier, the pain in your shoulder & a few days not walking can have an effect, your body is used to getting it's exercise & the endorphins it releases.

  3. That's like a house sign on the way to Coromandel 'didyabringanygrog'.... funny.

  4. aww the dog is so cute!

  5. There is also a dedicated Skeechers shop in Dressmart in Onehunga. They seem to have loads of different styles.

    1. There is also one in Newmarket and St Lukes. So, I should find some!

    2. The Dressmart one is great because it is an outlet shop, the prices are fantastic.

  6. Hi Chris... two things - as far as your weight stall is going, try googling the 'Whoosh effect' its something to do with the fat cells filling with water, hoping some more fat will appear, so you don't lose weight, then after a while the water is released and you get a 'whoosh' effect and loose a kilo overnight.
    and as for the Sketchers, try this website, I've bought a couple of pairs and they're a bit cheaper too... :-)

  7. Can you ring ahead to some of the stores and see if they have any save driving around etc. gee you have had some exercise then..., are you still using the shopping trolley things...hope the weather is nice for the weekend.

  8. I recommend getting your Skechers online from Amazon, you can get 2 pairs (including shipping) for the price of one pair in NZ.


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