Thursday, September 21, 2017


Still talking about the front of the house... someone suggested some sort of panel/art work on the larger brick sections.

I had already thought of that, and checked out what was on offer at Mitre 10:

ABOVE: This is three that I quite like.
The one on the left is made of compressed hardwood, so not quite so keen on that as over time it will deteriorate. The other two are made of steel, and will rust up and look quite rustic.
Not sure if they will 'show up' as well on the brick work though.

I could paint the steel ones though.

I'm going back to Mitre 10 this morning to look at them again.  They measure 600 mm X 1200 mm, so a decent size.

ABOVE:  This is another of the steel screens.  I quite like it too.  

Today I have a walk booked for early evening, so I've got the whole day to do some sewing.  Puppy blankets ... then I would love to get back to a quilt I started a few years ago.  A Sampler quilt, which uses different blocks.

So... off to get Keera to school... then home to sew.


Sooooo... overnight I had a thought... a good one maybe?
Why spend money on a screen when I already kinda have one?

ABOVE:  I took the blue one off the fence, flipped the fish around and stood it up there.
What do ya think?  I might re-arrange the fish a bit when it's not raining, but you can see how it looks.
It needs to go up a bit too, but I don't have the fixtures required to fix it to the bricks right now.
Steve can do that for me on the weekend hopefully.

And yep, it's bloody raining again.

It stopped raining long enough for me to duck back outside and do some 'groupings' as Athene suggested, and I PROMISE these are the final photos of the front of the house, as I am extremely happy with the result now:

ABOVE:  Now we have pots in groups, and bits 'n' bobs in groups, and it looks awesome. There is 'balance' and the blue screen gives it some depth.

ABOVE: I even like how this little area looks without the blue screen on the fence.  

IT'S DONE.  Finally happy with it, and it's thanks to heaps of you giving me ideas and suggestions.
I'm liking the front of our home now.  *smiles*
Best of all... I didn't spend a single cent on this project!  I already had everything.

Been sewing.  NO idea where the past 3 hours went.  It's almost time to pick up Keera from school, then sort out dinner for the family before I take off for my walk.
NOT feeling enthusiastic at all about walking, but I know once I'm there I will be fine.  I'm just a bit achy still. 

7.30 pm:  And as I thought, once I was out there walking I felt fine.  My shins started to hurt a bit, but very quickly came right.  A lovely group of ladies tonight, we yabbered the entire time, so before I knew it we were done!  4.9 kms done in 57 minutes, so a moderate pace.

Sadly, one of our Fat Bottomed dogs got too close to an electric fence and got zapped.  She yelped and cried, poor thing.  The fence had no signage to indicate it was electrified either, which was a bit poor.  It had FOUR electric wires too... total over kill.

Got home in time for dinner, which was just sausages and chips tonight.
I'm now chilling out watching TV... Coronation Street is on tonight... nice one.


  1. I love the screen. Please accept this as a constructive suggestion - I think the pots and other things may look better in groups of two or three. In the photo above it looks as everything is the same distance apart, regardless of size. I'd group the three small blue pots all together for example, and have bigger spaces in between each item or group.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion Athene, I will do that and see how it looks once it stops raining.

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Hi I like those rusty panels and I think the rusty/brown pot compliments the brick better than the maybe just go for that colour for the front ? you can also have the wood paneling..I think paneling and just a couple of the bigger pots with big plants would look good . I hope you don't get a sore back moving everything...


    1. Thanks for the suggestions Peta, but I'm done! I have spent what? 2-3 days mucking around with this freakin' front area and I am over it! *smiles* And my back is OK thankfully.

    2. It looks great Chris and best of all it has all been done with what you had.

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Fantastic job! Looks so much better.

  4. Looks great! Are your window frames timber? I think they'd look great painted that charcoal colour of the garage door, more of a contrast against the light brickwork..

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Hi you did well...and the good thing is it is easily changed when you see something else in your travels don't have to have "one" frontage have changed pots etc in the front of my house and garden to get a different look every now and then..Ally's suggestion sounds good we all are making suggestions from the comfort of our chairs and you running in and out with your umbrella in the rain


  6. Looks really great! The black picket fence looks better too. You have a keen eye. Good job!

  7. I love the fish on the fence! Cute..

  8. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Yo Ma splice up your front door a bit, it's the main *welcoming area an to me it look a bit *back door ish.....what do you think?

    1. Go away you pain in the butt! Said ever so lovingly to which ever 'child' of mine this is.

  9. I would like to see the fish panel more towards doir and the other thing by blue pot as a comparison.... WE HAD A RAINY DAY from hell today.

  10. Did you try the screen in other places like by the garage door? I also wonder if you painted it a different colour but that's just my ideas.

  11. You are always up to something. Looks lovely. Enjoy.


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