Saturday, July 01, 2017


Here's what I got done last night on the mug rugs for my Mum:

ABOVE:  Cute cows!  And lots of stitching going on.  After my walk today I shall work on getting the bindings on... that's a shitty job, particularly with small things like these mug rugs I can tell you.

I watched some YouTube videos last night on proper warm up exercises for my shins, and I was amazed at how many different ideas are out there!  My only problem was that virtually every video I watched had a different set of exercises to do!  How are you supposed to choose the 'right one' for you?  All these Doctors and fitness 'experts', yet none of them were saying the same thing!

So, I'm going to use a couple of the warm up exercises that made sense to me, and hope they work.

And on that note, I'm out of here to get the washing on, then warm up!
The walk starts at 10 am...


On today's walk, my legs, thighs and calves mainly, gave me lots of pain.  It wasn't until we were almost finished the walk before my legs started to ease up on the pain.
I had warmed up too.
So, Stew said I probably needed new shoes for walking in... and when I thought about it, I realised I'd not bought any new walking shoes for about 10 years!

WHOOPS... perhaps that's not helping with my legs?

So we went down to Smiths Sports Shoes here in Cambridge and found the latest 'model' of the shoes that suit my feet:

ABOVE:  I always end up with New Balance... horribly expensive!  They have gone up by $60 since I bought my last pair.  But, they suit my feet and I know I won't get blisters.

Since getting home/buying sneakers, I've been sewing.
We have visitors this afternoon.  Secret Squirrel type visitors... if their visit comes to fruition, there will be news later on this year.
Won't expand any more than that as it's still only a possibility.

Our visitors didn't arrive after all that... but are coming tomorrow now.
So, Stew got a few jobs done outside, and I watched him for a while, then did a bit more sewing.

I made one of the mug rugs without binding... but ikkk... doesn't look that good.
The ones with binding look awesome, so will probably stick with that for this lot anyway.

Coronation Street's on tonight, then it's early to bed for me as I have another walk at 8.15 in the morning!  Bloody hell... freakin early start for a Sunday.


  1. Enjoy your walk. I hope the weather there is better than here, it is cold, windy & wet 🙁

  2. Awww those mug rugs are so cute!!

  3. Love your blog Chris.
    I have been visiting for a while but never commented....until now as I just wanted to share this with you....

    Mug rugs with no binding. They are so quick and easy to make and I would say that you could alter the size a little to suit small fabric panels.

    Cheers from The UK-x-

    1. Hi Sheila, thanks for the share. I will definitely have a go at making some of those mug rugs... they sure look easy and FAST! I don't have any fuseable batting, so will have to find some. I will post a photo once I've done some.

    2. I have made heaps of those with no batting.


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