Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I'm taking a rest from walking today.
I've now got 4 more walks lined up over the next 5 days!  Then I will only have ONE more to do to be right up to date with the rest of the walking group!
I'm feeling rather happy with myself.

ABOVE:  My new walking head lamp.  It's awesome... you can set it on as a red light, super bright light with wide focus, or a softer, narrower white light.  AND you can tilt it downwards so you are illuminating right in front of where you are walking.  PERFECT for night walking.  I can't wait to use it tomorrow night.

There's a heap of washing to hang out first thing this morning... and other friggin housework lined up to do.

Being a 'kept woman', 'lady of leisure' is a crock of shit.
There's always work to be done around the house.  One day ... in the far distance, there might just be way less!
Imagine only having to do the washing for TWO, cooking for TWO, cleaning up after TWO!

My mind boggles at the thought.  Really!

Keera has half a day at Kindy today, so I only have the morning to get stuff done before she's home and under foot.

In fact, we might just go for a little walk, just the two of us.  She will love that I'm sure.  We might go downtown and wander around our local shops.  
She can go into the $1 $2 $3 shop and spend some of her pocket money.
Yeah, good idea.  Girl bonding.  *smiles*

So... that's all for now.  I will take my camera with me when we go downtown, so I can show you a few of the local shops... not that we have that many!


2.24 pm:  the day has gone exactly as planned.
Keera and I just got home from town... where she had fun shopping.

ABOVE:  I don't know who was more excited about her shopping... Keera or Coco!

As promised, here's a few local photos:

 ABOVE: It took me months to realise this was not just a coffee shop, but a very 'exclusive' gift/clothing shop too.
Seriously though, you have to be rolling in the $$$'s to buy much in there!
Very nice, but way too pricey.

 ABOVE:  Seen this shop in Auckland, so nice to have one here, even if the linen is horribly expensive!  It's LOVELY stuff.

 ABOVE:  That is a dinky book exchange 'box'! A rather novel re-use of a telephone box I must say.

 ABOVE:  Outside one of the most popular coffee shops in town, a 'Play Me' piano and comfy seating.  Only, it's on the 'dark side' of the street... so actually not that inviting for sitting there in winter.  Nice in summer though.
As you can see, it wasn't busy in town today.

 ABOVE: Standing by the round-about in the heart of 'town'... and you can see the school Keera will be going to.  So very handy if I want to go shopping before I pick her up.  *smiles*

 ABOVE:  There's a few very nice gift shops in town... this one had a particularly pretty window display.
Sandra C, I thought of you with all those Teddy Bears.

 ABOVE:  Our Town Hall.  It's a lovely building.

 ABOVE:  Outside the town hall, these Brass horses.  Cambridge is very much a rural town, and is the heart of 'HORSE COUNTRY'.  As in ... horse breeding/racing/stables etc. 

 ABOVE:  A sign outside a local pub/eatery.  It made me laugh.
Keera didn't 'get it'.   But then, she's only almost 5.

ABOVE:  I'm told by MANY that this is THE BEST PLACE to go for dinner in town.
Maybe one day we will check it out.

And that's it folks!  Our little wander around town took us an hour or so.

Now... chill out till it's time for me to go into Hamilton to weigh in at Weight Watches.

I'm on the ball today, I've even made dinner, all I have to do is warm it up in the oven, so it's ready when I get back.

Late afternoon... can't go to WW after all.  Had a bad attack of the 'gotta go bathroom!'... no idea why?
Must have eaten something that didn't agree.
*sigh*  Felt sick as a dog for a good couple of hours.
I might have to miss WW this week.

On the plus side, dinner was lovely.  I made little meat balls with herbs and put them in a tomato pasta dish with mozzarella cheese.  It went down a treat.  

Quiet time now, the smallest child is in bed, the big two are doing their own thing somewhere in the house... and Stew and I are enjoying watching Masterchef Australia.


  1. I tried running with a head light and it just made me nauseous, hope it works for you!

  2. What a nice idea... she'll love it.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM


    I can remember when Keera was born and now off to big school ! do some of her cousins go there too ?

    Great walking you are doing !

    Cheers Peta

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      No none of Keera's cousins go there

  4. Wallace Cotton sell the best scented candles, they are Miller Rd and are gorgeous (also happens to be my friends company). Great gift idea :-)

  5. I love Cambridge!!! How wonderful to live there - a million times better than Auckland. Hopefully one day I can escape out of this city too. For the moment it's where we have to live.

  6. What a gorgeous town! Thanks for the tour. J

  7. Cambridge is a beautiful town. There was a cafe in town that had an amazing collection of teapots! Myra and I visited one day.

    1. As I hardly ever go into a coffee shop, I'm not aware where that one is... but if I do find it I will take a photo!

  8. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Yes, I am also enjoying your pictures of New Zealand. I hope to go on a cruise there when things sort out here after my mothers passing....I did go to Auckland in 1972 when I was 17 on my way to Europe on a


  9. Nawww sounds like u and keera had a good time xx

  10. Love all the shops right by the school, that will be handy for sure :)

  11. Lovely pics of your walk. The first pic of your headlight what is the gorgeous Maori inspired object behind it?


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