Tuesday, January 10, 2017


HAPPINESS. Still choosing it.

It's sometimes hard to remember things happen for a reason.  Good or bad, I'm still doing my best to roll with things and still be HAPPY.

In case you missed it last night, I lost 1.7 kgs over the Christmas period.  I'm really happy with that, I didn't forgo anything at all, but I did watch my portion sizes, and I didn't snack at all.  Well.. I did indulge in a few chocolates at one point, but apart from that... I WAS GOOD.

I've set myself a goal.  I am going to do my utmost to lose 15 kilos in the next few months.

We have three BIG life events coming up, and I'm damned if I'm going to be this weight come May!  

- Steve turns 30 in April.
- My Mum turns 80 in May.
- We will have been married 30 years in June.

Of course, the biggest event will be my mother's birthday.  We are planning a party of course!  I am doing a lot of the organising, with the help of Mum's sisters and brothers. 

I must find an amazing cake maker!   It's never too early to start looking.  Does anyone know of someone who can do AMAZING CAKES in the Waikato, or even Auckland?

Moving on...  today I will be spray painting all the backing boards for the Ink Tile Paintings.
I hope it's fine enough to do it outside, and not in the garage.

Paint fumes ... ikkk.

I haven't heard back from the Church re: the Craft Fair yet, and if I can get a stall. I will contact them again today.


12.00 noon:  Well I thought I had vivid white paint eh?  I didn't.  It was vivid white, tinted to the same colour as the walls of this house.

So a quick trip down to Mitre 10 ensued.
On my way back, I called into the church and spoke to some bloke there.  He's going to put me in contact with the organiser of the fair, hopefully today.

It sounds like I will be able to get a stall, and the price sounds very reasonable too.

I've now done all the painting... just love my little sprayer!
It's a messy job though.  Still, might be worth it if they are popular and SELL!

If not, I will palm them off on friends and family as presents!  lol  Don't get me wrong, they are LOVELY... and I'm sure my friends and family will be very happy to receive one as a gift.

Yaaa!  Sorted.  I've got a stall at the upcoming St Andrews Craft Fair, to be held on Monday 30th January, 9 am to 2 pm. (Auckland Anniversary Day).
If you are in the vicinity, COME AND SEE ME.  Ya don't have to buy anything, just come say 'Hi'!  

This will be the first stall I've had in a few years!  I'm hoping it's not a flop.  That would be stink 💩.  I might take along some of my cards too... I still have a few of those left.

Well... I've stuck down 7 tiles onto their backing boards.  4 with tile fixative, and 3 with PVA glue.  Let's see which works best!

I went down and took a photo of my stall's position.  I hope it is a good site.  I chose to be under a tree, that way I stay cool, and so do the customers.  I know standing in the full sun is horrible after a while.

I will show you my 'site' tomorrow.  Right now, I have to get on with getting dinner ready.  We are having roast pork and veges.

Dinner was really YUM...... evening has been very quiet.  Time for bed, it's midnight.


  1. Congratulations on the loss Chris and good luck with your goal. Loving your Happiness Moto. I have a friend in Pukekohe who makes cakes. She has a Facebook Page Kellie's Cakes if you want to have a look.

  2. Woohoo 1.7 over Christmas New Year is a brilliant result, well done you :-)

  3. That's a great result for over christmas and new year. Lots to celebrate this coming year for you and your family.

  4. Lisa cakes on Facebook does amazing cakes.

  5. Hi Chris.

    Check out Bluebells Cakery in Auckland - they have amazing cakes, and very reasonably priced. Their website is https://bluebellscakery.com/ - and if you click on the "Order Online" tab, it will give you the options for the types of cakes they offer - including customised.

  6. Yes, dear Chris, congrats on the weight loss - that is an amazing accomplishment over a holiday! I love your little plaques- I think they are beautiful and anybody would be thrilled to have one .80 must be the new 50 because your Mum is certainly very beautiful and passed that on to her daughter.

  7. Knock up a few mug rugs too! those will sell too!

    1. Just 'knock them up'! Yeah, if I get the time I will try to have a few done for the day.

  8. I have a friend in Auckland, she and her daughter make amazing cakes. Can put you in touch if interested.

    1. flick me an email with their contact details... do they have a website or facebook? stewandchris@hotmail.com

  9. Under a tree is a clever idea :-). If it is hot people will want shelter and if it is drizzling, more shelter :-).

  10. I'm sure your exhibit at the church will be quite successful, your tiles are fantastic! As are your cards.

  11. Congrats on doing so well over the Christmas holidays. Keep up the good work. Good luck at the fair.

  12. Great weightloss there! You do have some parties ahead and events so that's a great incentive.....


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