Monday, January 30, 2017


Well... the day has arrived.
First craft fair selling Ink tiles/paintings.
I'm not even feeling nervous any more.
What will be will be, if I sell some... EXCELLENT.
If I don't... well I've got Christmas and Birthday's covered for a few years!  lol

I shall be going down to my site at around 7.30 to set up, which should take me about half an hour.  The market officially starts at 9 am, but I'm sure there will be some early birds.

I will be taking a break for lunch when my friend Tracy, from Auckland, arrives.  Stew will relieve me while we scoot back home for something to eat.

While I'm out making me fortune (or not, *smiles*), Stew is going to be moving the Hobbit House out from behind the olive trees.
The little kids are not playing in it, and we think it's because it is too far away from the house and scary behind the trees.

So, it's getting moved.
Stew will have to dig out a few plants to put it in it's new position.  Hopefully he gets it done before it gets too hot outside.  It's supposed to be a stinking hot day.

Tonight is the first night meeting of the Cambridge Patchwork group.  I will be going.  I'm really looking forward to it too.  

Right, I better get myself ready to go!  I will try to update a couple of times during the day, but if not, I should be home by 3 pm with a proper update.

Cross ya fingers for a successful day!


Craft fair... well I made a couple of sales early on... then NOTHING.  Stew came down and relieved me at lunchtime, and I got to spend a couple of hours with Tracy and her daughter, they came down from Auckland.
While we played 'ladies'... Stew made a couple of sales over the lunch hour, then NOTHING.

It wasn't just me thankfully!  It was a very quiet fair... quite a few people, but not many sales.  

It was nice, but not profitable at all.  I will have to think seriously about if I will do any more.  

Don't be disappointed for me, it was interesting if nothing else.

While I was out in the morning, Stew moved the Hobbit House:

 ABOVE:  Hopefully the kids will now play in it!

 ABOVE:  Stew had to move 3 pittosporum bushes, so he put them where the Hobbit House used to be.

ABOVE:  He also found more rocks, so moved them to there.  We will have to water the plants he moved heaps, it's so hot today!

First patchwork group meeting tonight, it was lovely.  We had more members attend the night meeting this time, so it was really buzzing.

Home now and winding down ... ready for bed soon, I'm knackered.


  1. The best of luck, I hope you sell all your stock.

  2. Gettin ready to leave now 😃 Siobhan decided she was coming for the ride too.

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Good luck today Ma hope it goes really well and you have a blast x #2 :)

  4. Hope your day is profitable. An exciting day ahead for you. I am the most uncrafty person on earth but I am planning on having a go myself. Any tips on a good starter pack of inks, please??

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Good luck with selling your stock today - good that you are under a tree, looks like another hot day. We passed through Cambridge on Saturday on our way to Hamilton and I thought of you. Audrey from Rotorua.

  6. Good luck Chris!
    Have the best day!

  7. Fingers crossed xx

  8. Hope you had a wonderful day! Your end of the world a beautiful hot day -my end of the world a cold - snowflurries as big as small balls blowing while Crystal and I Finally got in the back of the property and cut some firewood! We only cut four hours but we both got tired and my daughter called me a slave-driver as I cut while she took Smoke breaks! lol

  9. No updates yet? I'm so hoping that this is because you are being rushed off your feet with some good sales - and enjoying the day :)

  10. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Such fun! Good luck!Michelle from Oz

  11. What a bugger..I wonder if people are just on their way back home from the long weekend and didn't stop or maybe didn't go through Cambridge. At least you have lots made so you'll have another chance to sell another time.

  12. Ive emailed you about the orange coasters x

  13. Had fun hanging with you at the fair and home. Shame not more sales because everything looked awesome.

  14. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Might have better luck at a weekend market not a monday one which I thought was a strange day to have it

  15. The Hobbit house is really cool! Id play in it!
    Sorry you didn't sell more at the craft fair. A friend of mine has an Ebay account and sells his paintings, after time, he became quite successful. Also, perhaps you can add another page to your blog, dedicated to selling your crafts.


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