Friday, January 06, 2017


First thing this morning I'm going into Hamilton to pick up Keera from Lacy's.

I will be bringing her back here to Cambridge, then turning around and going back into Hamilton to take Lacy to an appointment.

It's something VERY important, that I want to attend as well as her.  Fingers crossed all goes well.

After her appointment I will be coming home and hopefully doing bugger all for the remainder of the day.  

I got a short video of Teddy yesterday, well after the initial excitement of our arrival, but still cute:

ABOVE: I wish I had thought of taping him when we first arrived!  He went NUTS.  It was so lovely to see him (and you too Gayle!) 😉 ðŸ’¥ pepsi

And that's about all for now... only three more days till Stew has to go back to work... poor man.  He's still feeling exhausted, so the break hasn't helped him much.


Well the morning has gone well.  Everything is sorted with Lacy, things will be back to normal soon.  

It's a funny day, cloudy with patches of sunshine, but a cool wind.  I didn't expect it to be quite so cool at this time of the year, particularly in the Waikato.

I'm tempted to go and have a nap, I'm that tired!  Been a bit stressed yesterday/today.  Didn't sleep well.  I think I can now though.

10.50 pm:  Well it sure has been a quiet day here.  Needed it though.  Keera has been quiet today too... she's got a cold and cough and just isn't a bubbly girl right now.
I'm sure she will be all better soon.


  1. Teddy looks great!

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Chris is Lacy ok? I am afraid for her.
    Tonia State, OZ

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      I am fine Tonia, but thank you for your concern :)

    2. Glad you are well :)

  3. Definately go have a nap :-)

  4. Yes Chris have that nap. It's not that warm in Auckland for January. I'm waiting for summer!!!

  5. After a few nice days (-6,-8C) we are going back into the deep freeze (-20,-24C) until mid January-not impressed! Glad things are getting sorted out for Lacy.

  6. Anonymous7:14 PM

    She's not bloody pregnant again I hope well we all hope. SMH

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      oh bugger off!!!

    2. Oh Lord. I bet anonymous would not be that rude if we knew who 'they' were.

  7. Time to start getting ready for those cool days! Since Dec 21, the days are getting shorter down there!!

  8. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Was a cooler day for us too in Taupo traffic busy work busy I am over this year already!! lol It's me Blondie...


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