Friday, December 09, 2016


This week has gone so fast!
Totally relieved it's Friday though... cos I'm feeling really tired.

Having to be ready to get out the door by 8.15 am is still taking some time to get used to.

Luckily, Kindy finishes soon (21st), then we will get a 4 week break before it starts again.

Griffin is due home this afternoon... we have missed him.  The fridge and pantry... not so much.  lol

Today I am going to make a start on Christmas present wrapping.  It's not going to take so long this year as I've kept gifts to a minimum for once.

No more going broke ... there's just too many family members now!  And I must say it, birthdays come around too fast too.

Dante will be 4 in just over a week!  Bloody hell... 4!  Where did those years go?  


11.51 am:  Well I went down town to get a 'few' last minute things to fill the gaps in the Christmas presents list.

I only needed a few things!  Seriously.

Came out $548 poorer!  Bloody hell, how does it rack up so damn fast?  I know.  6 kids. 13 grandkids. Husband. Mother. 

Wrapping paper/cellotape/bows/labels. Chocolates!  I needed about 22 boxes of chocolates!  And that was just to cover immediate family.  Sheesh.

NEXT year I am going to JUST GIVE EVERYONE CHOCOLATES!  I will still be broke.

Half and hour till I have to pick up Keera from Kindy.   No time to start wrapping presents right now.  Time to relax for a moment.

Yeah right.  I just remembered I've got a load of towels to hang out.  Or in.  The weather has been very fickle the past couple of days.  Might just use that indoor clothesline.

AllyS Melb:  You asked my yesterday what was the citronella gel I have for the table top burner:

ABOVE:  this is it.  I hope you can find it in Melbourne.

 ABOVE:  Strawberries!  Every day.  Fresh. 

 ABOVE: Anyone need some parsley?  I can help  ya.  *smiles*  I'm using the spring onions, they are so neat to add to salads and so on.

ABOVE:  I found something to put in our blue glass jar.  Dead twigs from a flax out the front, and my crystal 'tree'.  Nice?  It's hard to get a good photo of the crystal tree sadly, but take my work for it, it looks really cute.

LYNDA:  The man at Mitre 10 said it was.  I hope it is!

Time to sign off... it's been a super hot, draining afternoon.  Gawd summer is going to be a killer.


  1. Lucky you getting a break. Siobhan got a job which is 5 days a week ALL holidays starting at 7.30am!!!! I have to leave home at 6.50am to get her there and the only break she gets over the holidays is the stats so no sleep in for me!!!

    I am hoping to finish my Christmas present shopping on Saturday - fingers crossed.

  2. It soon adds up Chris I popped into a cheapi shops yesterday 53$ later and they didn't have wat I wanted. Today I went picked up a pr of sketches I had being held shoes ended up being some sunglasses home with them so more money. And I HAVNT started on Christmas presents lol

  3. OMG ... I'm jealous of your strawberries, parsley and spring onions :) (Wish my garden would cooperate and produce such abundant quantities). Tip: Spring Onions and parsley are super yummy in scrambled eggs if you make them. Have a great weekend!

  4. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Wow xmas adds up fast that's for sure. parsley in eggs yes parsley in garlic butter parsley is a great blood cleanser too parsley can go in every salad. It's me Blondie

  5. Hi Chris - is that fuel citronella? If not it won't do anything for the mosquitos! Gel fuel is totally different from citronella oil.

  6. Better plants some more spring onions to keep the supply up......

  7. Thanks Chris... I'll try to hunt some down!

    1. Read Lynda's comment above, the guy in the shop MIGHT have sold me gel that doesn't repel mosquitoes. I will have to check. But I'm sure you will be able to find some at Bunnings over there.


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