Monday, September 19, 2016


First up for today, I have a few more photos from yesterday:

 ABOVE: That back hedge just needs to grow about a metre higher, then we will have some privacy from those neighbours.
On our other boundaries the hedges are higher.

 ABOVE:  Dante loves this, Archer, not so much.

 ABOVE:  This is Chris, Bex's brother.  He's a nice guy.  

 ABOVE:  Wee Archer chillaxing on Griffin.  I doubt 'chillaxing' is a bona fide word, but too bad.

 ABOVE:  Awwwww.... too cute.

 ABOVE:  Dante was upset because I wouldn't let him dig in the lawn with his TINY spoon!

 ABOVE: So Grandma (that would be me), gave him the garden trowel and let him dig in the unplanted end of this garden.
He was thrilled and dug a great big hole.

NOW.... I am finally allowed to talk about the social event coming up... the reason I had to buy a new dress...


We are thrilled to bits of course.
Bex decided to crochet herself a lovely shrug to wear over her dress...

ABOVE: It is light and very soft.  She's a clever tart!

So... it's all very exciting.  Bex is even making her own flower bouquet... she's making ribbon roses!  I have seen it as she's been making it, and it is going to be gorgeous.

Right, back to today.
Instead of going to Patchwork, today I am going into town to find some shoes to wear to the wedding.
I'm going to pick Lacy up as well, so she can get outta the house.


1.19 pm:  I have had the most awesome shopping expedition today!
The very first shop I looked in for shoes, and Lacy spotted the PERFECT matching shoes for my wedding outfit!

 ABOVE:  The dress and floaty top that I'm wearing over it.

ABOVE: THE SHOES... Not only are they the right colour, but even the pattern matches the dress!!!
Meant to be obviously.  I am just so happy to have found the perfect outfit for the wedding.

Originally I hadn't planned on buying anything new, and just wear some tights and a nice top.  But then I was told I had to get something NICE, as I am the 'Mother of The Groom'.  

So glad I listened.  

After the shoes shopping, we went to Chartwell Square for a quick lunch, then I took Lacy back to her flat, and then I came home.

It's getting warmer again... so I stripped off me winter clothes and am now in a lovely summer maxi dress.  

10.59 PM:  Well it's been an awesome day...but now it's time to head off to bed after, a cosy evening indoors.


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    How exciting! Steve and Bex seems like such a great couple and they have a beautiful family! You and she have what appears to be a loving relationship as well. You are so lucky! Can NOT wait see see all the pics you will take. Best wishes to you all! christine in kansas

  2. Such wonderful news... when and where? I'm so happy for them. Congratulations Steve and Bex, you are a lovely couple and brilliant parents to your little boys :)

    1. When and Where are not being disclosed. There will be photos afterwards though.

  3. How exciting a WEDDING!!!!

  4. Wonderful news, I must say that I did guess it. Congratulations to you all, can't wait to see all the photos. Congratulations Steve and Bex. Krissy.

  5. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Congratulations Steve and Bex, wonderful news. You are a beautiful couple and fantastic parents and role models to your boys. Can't wait to see photos. You will have us in blog land all very excited and waiting in anticipation of the date now.

    1. No dates being advertised. This will be a small, intimate, family and very close friends only wedding. It's what the kids want.

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      The best kind :) I love love your dress and shoes. Looking forward to photos and wishing them all the best for a beautiful day.

  6. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Oh wow I didn't see that coming how fabulous congratulations xx Exciting! Lovely photos. It's me Blondie

  7. So exciting! Congratulations!

  8. LOVE the outfit, it is so you. Stunning coilers, classy yet not stuffy, perfect for a wedding.

  9. Congratulations to Steve and Bex. Love the dress and floaty top, much better than leggings. Glad that they are keeping the details private

  10. Penny3:05 PM

    Oh wow, lovely news! Hope it is everything they want it to be xo

  11. Such lovely news! I love your outfit! Congrats to all x

  12. Isn't it great when you have your outfit sorted?? So glad you got something lovely. Oh and that's fine, didn't need to know where and when :)

  13. Fabulous news Steve and Bex and mother of th groom outfit is very swish.

  14. Fantastic news!! Love the outfit!!! You will be a stunning Mother of the Groom!!!!

  15. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Hi Congratulations to all !!!



  16. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Bex's brother is very handsome..!


  17. woot woo... love the outfit! I thought the news was going to be a wedding. How exciting, looking forward to seeing the pics. YES Bex is super clever.

  18. Wow Chris, what a stunning outfit. And the shoes perfect. I am so please for Steve and Bex. I'll be thinking of them in 3 weeks.

  19. Wow..Congratulations! !
    LOVE Bex's shrug she is so talented!"

  20. Congratulations to Steve and Bex. Wonderful news. Love your outfit Chris.

  21. Congratulations to Steve and Bex (and the boys too)! Can't wait to see photos afterwards! Love the wee jacket that Bex has crocheted for herself - it is gorgeous! And your outfit and shoes Chris are amamzing too!!

  22. Congrats to Steve and Bex, its wonderful news.

    And love love love your Mother of the Groom outfit

  23. Congratulations Steve and Bex!!! SO happy for you and your family!!
    ~Nicole in CA

  24. Yeah for Steve and Bex! Love your dress :)

  25. Congratulations Steve and Bex. I along with the rest of the readership have watched your little family grow, and now we get to wish you all the best for your special day.
    The wedding outfits are looking wonderful ladies, and I look forward to the photos.
    Mary in Tassie


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