Sunday, August 07, 2016


Well today we are off to Auckland.

We  haven't seen Steve, Bex and the boys for two weeks, so it's about time we visited and caught up with them.

Lacy and Keera are coming with us, which will be lovely.  Keera hasn't seen her cousins in a while too.  Her and Dante get on like a house on fire.

I'm very tempted to pop into Ribbon Rose in Mt Wellington too.  I have not been in that shop in a few months!  Might just go in and see what I've been missing.  I tell ya, the Waikato is seriously lacking in a variety of Fabric/Craft shops.  And there are NONE in Cambridge at all!

How sad is that?  Not even a small Spotlight!

I'm really looking forward to having a day away, time out from housework and so on.  I still see heaps that needs doing around our home, but I have run out of energy or desire to do it!

I look at dust and think... NAH.  Same with vacuming.  Because I had to keep our Auckland home spotless day in, day out for a full year before we sold it, I reckon I've got housework burn out!  NO Seriously... I just hate it.  Surely there is such a thing?  lol

So... time to get moving, pack the car with drinks and snacks, then hit the road after breakfast.

It will be interesting to see if much has changed with the Waikato Expressway extension between Huntly and Mercer, if anything.


p.s. :  we didn't get our number sign up yesterday as the weather was too wet.  Not safe to run a power cord out to the fence in wet weather!  Stew wasn't up for being electrocuted on a Saturday.  *smiles*

All going well it will be up next weekend.

8.52 pm:  Well!  It's been a lovely day.  We left here mid morning and got to Auckland bang on lunchtime.  

We had lunch with Steve, Bex and the boys, then we went to The Ribbon Rose... where we (Bex, Lacy and I) did a quick drool, bought just a little bit of stuff then we went back to Steve and Bex's for some family time.

Next time I go up to shop at The Ribbon Rose, I will make sure Stew and the kids are not waiting in the car!

Photos from today:  

 ABOVE:  Evidence of how much rain we have had recently.  The Waikato River breached it's banks in many places.

ABOVE:  Sheesh, try getting a good photo of these two.  They are little monsters when they get together.

 ABOVE:  Lots of lovely family photos.  

ABOVE:  The very small amount of fabric I bought today!  See... I said small!

So, we had a neat day.  And are looking forward to seeing the kids again next weekend, when our builder (that be Steve) visits again and has a go at building our Hobbit Playhouse.  

I'm looking forward to that.

Time to wrap up the day.


  1. That's a shame, Cambridge used to have a great fabric/patchwork shop. How far is it to Morrinsville?

    1. Not sure... probably around 35 minutes, so not too far.

  2. Have a lovely family day in Auckland :)

  3. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Lovely photos we haven't had much rain today but Taupo to Turangi road is treacherous due to snowfall!!!! any unnecessary travel deemed unsafe! eeeekkkkk its me Blondie.

  4. Lovely lovely photos. Glad you had a good day.


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