Thursday, April 28, 2016


I know you are all interested in our First Choice house, and want to see photos of it.

But I'm being a bit prudent in NOT divulging photos of it, as we don't want the address to be public.  Clearly if I publish photos, the address is easily found by just looking on the 'net.

So, hang in there!  I will show you all once we have secured it, and it's no longer being advertised, address and all.  Or... if we don't get it... same goes for our 2nd choice home.

Stew has taken today and tomorrow off work, to spend a couple of days with the kids before they go back to school.
I think today we will just hang around here, but tomorrow we will probably go to Hamilton for the day... and maybe by then we will have bank documents to sign?

I hope so.

So, that's all for now.  Catch ya later...


STEP ONE:  Sell house... DONE

STEP TWO:  Get finance... DONE

STEP THREE:  Buy house... next week.

We got our finance.  So, so relieved.  Now we are cash buyers.  Bring on next week!

Gawd it's been a trying time this house move!

So it's been a good evening... so much stress has gone.  But I know that in 6 sleeps we will be bidding on 'our' house and I will be getting more and more anxious as the days roll by till then.

I really can't wait till it's all over and we have a house to move to!


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Start ringing the bank morning and afternoon! Some underpaid pleb is watching cats on youtube rather than doing their job!

    1. Actually she's at home looking after her son (it's school holidays here). But she's done it now and we can move onto the next stage!

  2. Awesome news 😀

  3. YAY! That's a load off your mind. Now you can bid with confidence. I hope you win the auction!!

  4. How Wonderful! Good luck.

  5. Glad the bank finally got back to you, now you can move on

  6. So pleased for you. Now you can relax a bit. For about five minutes, moving sucks!

    1. Thanks Chick, I hope your move goes well too.

  7. Yay!! Great news, bring on the house buying. Looking forward to seeing the photos once you own it :-)

  8. yay oh that's a relief right house hunting in earnest bidding and winning ! (oh and moving)

  9. Phew!! Go go go!!

  10. What is the procedure for "bidding" on a house? Will you know if someone outbids you so you can adjust your bid? How long do you have to wait to find out if it's yours?
    So much involved in this process!

    1. The auction is next week. You 'bid' with a price, and if someone else wants it, they bid a higher price, and so on until someone bids a price that is not topped by someone else, then you get the house. It is held 'live' at a venue in the city usually. If you win the auction the house is yours upon settlement... same as usual house sales.

    2. christine4:09 PM

      Oh, Okay. So you get a chance to be there and up your bid if necessary. I have heard of closed envelope type bids and you have no idea if you are the highest bidder - so you can lose the house that way. This way is much better. You can decide at the moment how high to go.

  11. BIG prayers for you getting "your" house. I can't wait to see it. Hope this is the last move for a while. Are you bringing the sculpture by the mailbox also I hope?

    1. Not sure what sculpture you are referring to?

  12. Awesome Chris! Fingers crossed you get your Number 1 !!!

  13. Wonderful news about the financing. Hope you get your dream home.

  14. Anonymous7:34 AM

    You'll make it to your new home! Cathy


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