Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Last night Tallulah curled up on my lounge chair with me.... and I got to feel a puppy moving!

ABOVE: Starting to look pretty 'swell'!  She is 7 weeks along today. I will take some more comparison photos later on today.

ABOVE:  There was a puppy wriggling under my index finger!  It felt so weird, yet exciting too.

Only about 10 days to go now.
I've changed her X-ray appointment to this Friday.  I couldn't wait till next week! 

So on Friday we will know how many puppies to expect.  WHOOP!!!

Today... *sigh*   I've got to do the grocery shopping.  We should have done it on the weekend, but somehow it didn't happen.
So now I get to do it on me own.  Oh joy.

Not to worry, I will leave all the heavy stuff for the kids to haul up the stairs when they get home from school.... excellent idea.


Well... it's mid afternoon!  I forgot to update when I got home from the shopping.

Oh well... here goes.

I went to Spotlight first, I've decided to put the Wall hanging away for now, it's taking too much concentration and I can't focus on it.  So I'm going to start on the nautical quilt, it's much simpler to do.

I also bought some rubber sheeting for the bottom of the whelping pen from Spotlight too... so we are set and ready to go.

After Spotlight I went over to Sylvia Park to do the grocery shopping.
What's the odds of me pulling into one of the MANY CARPARK BUILDINGS to find Steve and Bex pulling in at the exact same time!

Freaky!   They were also doing a bit of shopping, followed by grocery shopping, so we did it together.

We parted ways at the supermarket after our shopping.

On my way out of the supermarket who should I bump into but Lynda, another blogger friend!

Freaky again!

ABOVE:  She's getting there!  Griffin felt a puppy move this afternoon too.. his face lit up!  Rather cute.

End of Day:  a busy day.... don't want to do the grocery shopping on my own again in a hurry!  My back has been so sore lately, today didn't help that's for sure.
Time for bed... 
nite nite


  1. I actually like grocery shopping :-).

    1. YOU. ARE. A. SICK. PUPPY. *smiles*

  2. I love that Griffin is so excited. Wish I had seen his face :-)

  3. Sounds like a fun day out and about. Sorry to hear your back is sore.

  4. It is amazing and exciting to see life! and feel it. not long until puppy heaven.


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