Sunday, November 22, 2015


I had vowed NOT to buy any more Britto until we had moved to Hamilton, BUT while we were out yesterday we spied two pieces that we didn't have, and they were part of the 75th Anniversary pieces.

One was just GLORIOUS, so we got them both, and they are going into storage until we get to Hamilton.
ABOVE:  This is the only Britto piece I've ever seen which incorporates more than 2 characters.  It's stunning.

 ABOVE:  a close up of the three characters.  I don't know the names of the Hippo or little horse?  Anyone know?

 ABOVE:  I love her bum!

ABOVE:  This is the other little one we got.  He's rather cute too.

So, it's Open Home day again.  Our house can't be looking ANY better for viewing.  Fingers crossed for a RESULT in a few days!
Wouldn't that be awesome.  


1.00 pm:  almost ready for the Open Home.  Thankfully the dreadful weather we had overnight has stopped and the sun is shining.
I look around the house and know I cannot do a single thing to improve it's presentation.
So... my job is done.

With any luck we will get a few viewers today.

Steve and Bex had me really worried today.
I text both of them ... no reply.  So I rang both of them... still no reply.

So I start to imagine all sorts of DREADFUL scenario's .... cos shit has,  and does happen.  
When I couldn't get either of them after an hour or so I sent Stew over to their home to check on them... THANKFULLY they were OK.
They had their phones on MUTE!

WARNING!  Mum will imagine the worst if ya don't answer ya phone kids!

So panic over, with a promise from Steve that they will try to not do that again.

Right, better go and do the last minute run  around, turn lights on, put the dogs in their crates etc.

Open Home done for another weekend.  Only two again this weekend, and one of them was THE LADY IN RED AGAIN!!!!!!  Her 6th visit.  And seems she isn't interested in the other, cheaper house after all.  Our home is 'it' for her.  So I hope like hell she can get her property sold soon and BUY OUR HOUSE!

I've got a lovely pea 'n' bacon soup on in the crock pot... the house smells delicious.
I will be putting some aside for young Archer... he loves Grandma's soup.

End of Day:  dinner was perfect.  The day has been long and stressful, glad it's over.  Kinda happy The Lady In Red is still interested, even if she's still in no position to make an offer yet.
Off to bed.  See ya tomorrow.
nite nite


  1. I wonder if the little horse is really a little donkey, like the boys who were turned into donkeys in Pinnochio?

  2. And the hippo is Hyacinth Hippo from Fantasia.

  3. The piece has three characters from Fantasia - Mickey as the Sorcerer's Apprentice, Hyacinth Hippo as mentioned above and the horse is Pegasus (or a baby Pegasus) from the section with Beethoven's Pastoral. If you haven't seen Fantasia, it's really worth watching!

    1. I don't think I have seen Fantasia Athene... might have to now. *smiles*

  4. They're so cute. I looked up the name but others beat me to it lol.

  5. yup no matter how old ya kids are ya worry ( i have been seeing so many things with Anthony initials on it over the last week-of course no reply to my questions to him if he ok so I have sent message via his grandmother he knows he gotta answer her or he BIG trouble)

  6. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Those are pretty Britto. Never seen them before! Yes....I love her bum too!
    KIDS....they will learn when theirs are older! LOL Hugs~

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Haha sorry we were at mall and my phone low volume
    Ps hope open home goes well

  8. Ohhhhhh that Hippo is gorgeous and why not buy it I say.. That Lady in Red she is clearly in love with the house fingers crossed. I hear ya on the phone front one does tend to worry when one can't get hold of said loved ones!! I have done it to my Mum and Samuel has done it to me.

  9. I'm feeling sad for the lady in red. I hope she gets things sorted so she can buy you place.


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