Thursday, November 26, 2015


I mentioned last night that my day had not gone to plan yesterday.

Here is why:

ABOVE:  Little Miss Keera has come to live with us for the time being.
Various reasons, but the main one is Lacy has to find a new home for them, and Keera needs some STABILITY in her life until that happens.

So, living here with her brother, sister and her grandparents (that would be us) is the best thing for her right now.

Lacy will visit her as often as she can.

Hopefully she can find a new home sooner rather than later.  But however long it takes, Keera is looked after.

I am going out today to get her an approved car seat.  Bex is going to drop off Dante's car seat for me to use this morning.  Kelly lent us one of theirs so Stew could bring her here from Hamilton yesterday, but it's better to have our own.  
I might get a stroller too for when we are out and about.

All going well we will be getting all her clothes on Sunday night when Amanda drops them off.  So I won't need to go and buy any more... yaaa.  

So... out and about this morning.  Dogs will be firmly locked up... can't take any chances with Tallulah going missing so close to having puppies now, APPROX 8-9 days to go.  Tomorrow is her X-ray!
Any guesses on how many puppies?
I'm hoping for no more than 5.  I've got quite a bit on my plate now!


1.50 pm:  finally home.  
Keera and I bought a car seat and stroller, and a few more summer clothes at Baby Factory in Botany.
Then we went and visited Steve and Bex, and gave them back Dante's car seat before he needed it again.

I went to Sylvia Park and picked up a Britto ornament that we had ordered... it's going straight into storage of course.

Now home and little Miss Muppet is having her midday nap and I'm relaxing.  I'm knackered!  It's so hot and humid today, so draining.

 ABOVE:  Today we are JUST LIKE GRANDMA!  Pretty nails.  She is so happy with herself.... so bloody cute.

ABOVE:  And playing with her big brother.  She's taken a bit of time to warm up to her brother, but now she's much better with him.

9.21 pm:  Just home from my pottery class... where I put glazes on my 'test pot'... which is a little outhouse.
Fingers crossed next Thursday's reveal will be good!  Or it could be bloody horrible ... I won't know till then.  This tutor is using a totally different technique for glazing, so I have NO IDEA how it's going to turn out!

Just put Miss Muppet to bed.  She sleeps really well... all night and stays in bed when she wakes until she's allowed to get up.  Dream kid!

End of Day:  it's been a very busy day and I'm rather tired.  Looking forward to bedtime.
nite nite


  1. You will feel much better having Keera in your safe and loving home. Not that her mother doesn't provide but Grandma is better than other carers:)

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Thank you for you comment and I do appreciate how you put it, from Keera's Mother :)

  2. Marianne8:18 AM

    I don't comment much but read your blog every.single. day. Keera is such a cutie. Children need stability in their daily lives. I have been following your daily Coco updates. Here in the U.S. it will be Thanksgiving tomorrow grocery stores are packed and there is a lot of cooking going on. Marianne in Orlando

  3. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Poor wee keera, least you will have the comfort of knowing she is safe and happy. I dont doubt her mum wouldn't have provided that for her but in the mean time life has thrown a spanner in the works. Lacy is a very lucky lady to have a wonderful family to help her in her time of need.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Thank you for your comment, after everything I have done and to still have my Mum here for my Daughter and I, I would like to say calling me luck is an understatement :) and not only my mum but my little support unit in the bay as well, I could carry on without them either.
      Thank you from Keera's Mummy :)

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    GOD BLESS YOU GRANDMA AND GRANDPA FOR YOUR LOVE FOR YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!!! As you know not every grandparent would, could, or have the ability to do this! My mom and I lived with my grandmother for many years, and it meant the world to me!!! HUGS~

  5. Keera will flourish with you. As will the puppies. Life is always brighter with little ones around.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Yes a little time with grandma and Grandad and her big sis and bro will be good, Keera will love it, stability and normal-ness (lol)

  6. Much love to you. I hope Lacy is able to straighten things out for her daughter soon because Keera needs her. Enjoy her while you can, she's lovely.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Yes she most certainly does need me just as much as I need her, but while I'm sorting this shit out I would much rather my daughter be with my mum then any where else so I am extremely grateful :)

  7. Hope all is well Lacy. Keera I'm sure will very much enjoy her time at grandma's. Everyone loses their way sometimes keeping on keeping on to find your way to move forward I believe in you!!!! Xx

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Hay it's Bee :) oh how are you, yea life can be a right bi*ch at times but got to dust that sh*t off and yea xx
      Love Keera's Mummy :)

    2. I'm good thanks :) take some time find your feet and I'm sure everything will be all ok again. X

  8. christine7:23 PM

    Hi Lacy and "Diet Coke",
    Keera is such a cutie! I know she will be just fine at grandma's house, no matter how long she stays! She is going to enjoy so much loving family around her. The other two seem to be doing quite well, also! I wish I could send my 17 year old to her house to teach him how to help around the house some! Keera is in good hands, Lacy is working on positive changes. Puppies are on the way. All is well. Take care everyone - I am sending positive wishes your way! Lacy, this is random, but didn't you have a nasty toe injury a while back? I hope it has made a full recovery!

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Oh I am sorry, I am sure I replied to your comment yesterday but yea, yes I did injure my toe, it took about 3 months to heal but it is algd now thank you :) and thank you for your kind comment, I am a little down today with all the comments but this is life, but a nice comment is really up lifting and appreciated xx
      Love Keera's Mummy :)

  9. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Keera is a beautiful little girl. She's going to love her holiday with you and Stew. All the best to Lacy, I hope things improve for her soon, at least she can rest easy knowing Keers is in safe hands.

  10. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Sorry but Lacy you need to grow up
    You have given not one but TWO children away because you couldn't look after them.Those two children will always carry scares because of your choices. Stop putting men before your children and grow the hell up and stop being a dead beat mother

  11. Anonymous10:10 PM

    As for "sorting your shit out" hell Lacy you have been doing that for years.Stop having children that you cannot look after and take stock of knowing that you are to dam old to be being a loser parent.

    1. Wow big judgement from someone who chooses to stay anonymous! Maybe you should Walk a mile in someone else's shoes for a day.

    2. Anonymous2:08 AM

      That is so nasty, don't say anything unless you have the guts to put your name to it. It's easy hiding behind anonymous. have some respect, I'm pretty sure that Brylee probably reads this blog and can do without seeing your nastiness, not to mention Chris and Lacy!

  12. Nice to know that she has lovely and caring grandparents. Take care and all the best.

  13. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Hi Chris

    I have never commented on your blog but felt the need to just say that I know that you and Stew are wonderful parents and grandparents but sometimes a NO goes a long way. Keeras mum has disrespected you for a very long time. You Chris have been so hurt in the past by her. She should stand up dust herself off and become a responsible mum. We all have problems. We all deal with them. As a grandparent myself I would like to feel that I am not a dumping ground. I know you love your grandies just like I do but judging by her track record, well what can one say?

    I lost my husband with four young children. My youngest was 10 months old, and my eldest was four. Twins in the middle. I didn't go running to my mum because I had 's=*t to sort out'.

    I am so sorry if you think I am being judgemental and maybe I am but it annoys me when people take advantage. Even our kids! I know that you may be upset with what I have said but really Chris you are such a lovely person (from you blog that is) that people can relate to you. I wish you all the best. Your skills as a parent are incredible. You should be very proud of yourself.

    Luv, Hilary Maitland, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK

    1. We step in when we feel there is no better option for KEERA. Lacy is big enough to take care of herself, but without a home she cannot care for Keera right now. We will never turn our back on a grandchild (or child) in need. It is what it is.

  14. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Totally agree with you Hilary! We all have struggles when we choose to become parents and it is our job and responsibility to deal with what life throws us,not dump our kids on our parents. I hope you have taken measures to make sure you don't ever become pregnant again Lacy and start acting like a responsible mother. Your actions and choices as a Mum are appaling.

  15. Keera and Lacy are lucky ladies to have you Chris. Good luck to you Lacy, being a mom is hard work but it will all fall into place for you if you make the right choices for you and your daughter. Sending lots of love and cheering for you all! Can NOT WAIT to see pictures of the puppies! Can we guess number and birth date again?!? Any fun themes for the names this time?
    ~Nicole in CA

  16. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Glad you can be there for Lacy & Keera when they need you Chris. Everyone deserves a chance when they know they've made some bad choices. We are all human. None of us are perfect. Everyone deserves forgiveness. We all make mistakes. Wishing you courage & strength Lacy. Chris, I know you & the family will enjoy your time with Keera.

    PS anonymity is pretty low when making negative comments................just saying.

  17. I really don't know why people feel the need to leave hurtful comments. Obviously this is hard for the family. They don't need anonymous strangers poking fingers and calling names. I know "Diet Coke" would do the best thing for Keera, and in fact would be incredibly hurt if Keera ended up anywhere else. Keera looks beautiful and happy at the moment and that is what matters!
