Friday, June 12, 2015


Well.... I am planning on going to patchwork class this morning, but only to pop in really to say 'Hi'.  I am hoping Lacy is bringing Keera over this morning.
I am waiting to hear from her before I know what my definite plans are.

If they are not coming I will go to class like 'normal'.  If they are coming, then I'll just pop in quickly to let them know why I won't be there.
If I get time I also want to go over to The Ribbon Rose and get a new Light Box/Pad.  They have them on sale right now and they are just so awesome compared to my old, antiquated one that I got years ago for $40.

I got a new 'book' on my Kindle last night.  It was recommended by a fellow blogger (Julie), called 'The Girl On The Train'.  I'm hoping to find time to read it soon.  It sounds interesting.  I haven't read a book in simply AGES!  To think I was once a freakin' bookworm!
Now it's all blogging/sewing/computer based things.  How times change.

But I do love a good book, so it will be nice to get back into a good read.

Well... I better go and get me washing out... from yesterday!  It's been sitting in the washing machine for 24 hours... WHOOPS!  Forgot it.


First thing this morning, onto the motorway and off to The Ribbon Rose in Mt Wellington.  Bought me new light box and a couple of fancy rulers for cutting perfect 1/4 inch seams, then off to Patchwork class.
As Lacy and Keera weren't due till lunchtime I stayed and did more work on my boat block.

Then home.  Here's some photos I took:

 ABOVE:  some of the lovely work being done in our class!  The bottom quilt has been a project on the go for Val for about an year now.  It's all Foundation Pieced, and looks amazing.

 ABOVE: Keera in the house at last.

 ABOVE:  And her mad mother.

 ABOVE:  Already happily playing together.


ABOVE: Suits her, not too fussy.  Got a diamond though!  Congrats Lacy and Geoff.

Before she left to go back to Tauranga, Lacy got to meet Archer, this is how it went:

Archer: "Oh my god, my eyes!  My eyes!  I can see her face".

Archer: "Phew, can't see her now".

Archer:  "Not again!"

LOL.... it wasn't really like that, Archer got woken up by Dante and Keera making a commotion in the hallway outside his bedroom.  As he'd not long been asleep, he was understandably grumpy.

So, Lacy has now left and Keera and Dante are happily playing together.  Dante is trying to boss Keera around, but she ain't having it, she's her own little bossy person.

How f*#king wonderful  ... I've got one girl (Brylee) spewing her guts up (tummy bug?) and one girl pissing all over me carpet (Keera), not potty trained.  This is going to be a wonderful weekend, I can just tell.

Brylee has perked up.  Keera is getting new knickers tomorrow... and potty training will really get started... though Lacy says she IS learning.  
Nice evening ahead... I'm thoroughly enjoying that book!  It's getting very interesting I must say, good choice Julie!

End of Day:  an excellent day!  Got some good news, but can't share yet.  Maybe next week.  
nite nite


  1. I hope you like it :)

  2. Hope you get to see Keera. That lightbox looks great-how much are they? I have a few applique patterns I've just bought and it would be a lot easier than taping to the window!!

  3. I hope you get to see Keera. It must be hard for Dante if he is expecting her and then she doesn't show up.

  4. Just had a catch up as I haven't visited for a while. Love the lightbox, bit jellyfish down here ;) Hope things work out and you see Keera today x

  5. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Love the pics
    PS had no internet all just catching up on ya blog now!!!

  6. christine5:02 PM

    OMG! Congratulations LACY! Wow! Keera looks so beautiful and grown up! I bet it was fun to see the two of them! THat quilt from class is astounding!

  7. Oh poor u our little miss had the spew sand poos last weekend thankfully it was only a 24-36 hr bug

  8. nawww love the pics…..and ohhhh CONGRATULATIONS Lacy

  9. Good book choice. Slow to start but stick with if

  10. Awwwww what lovely pics of all yes even Lacy. Keeras has such gorgeous hair! Lucky thing. Hope you all enjoy yourselves.

  11. How exciting to have Keera for a couple of days, she is so cuute. I hope poor Brylee feels better soon.

  12. OOoohh and congrats to Lacy.

  13. Congratulations to Lacy! And I hope there's no more sick for you guys this weekend.

  14. Hope no one else gets sick. Good luck and have a fun weekend potty training.

  15. Girl on a train is fantastic. We got told on Saturday at our book club this is the next book. I started it on Sunday and Finished it Monday morning. Everyone is different in what books they like but would love to know what you think of it.


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