Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I've been freaking out about taking the studs out of my new piercings, and putting in my diamond earrings that Stew got me for Christmas.

Last night as I was winding down my computer/blog for the night I just thought... I'm gunna do it right now. (6 weeks was almost up)

So I did.  No sweating, no shaking, no shitting myself... I just calmly took out the chemist's studs and slipped in me diamonds!

And it didn't hurt AT ALL.  And they still don't.

Rather proud of myself... cos I really am a sook when it comes to stuff like that.

Now they can stay in FOREVER.  

Today I'm expecting someone here to look at the kitchen floor and do a quote for the Insurance company.   The insurance company get two quotes, so I expect another one to turn up some time soon too.

Then the process will begin.  Ripping up the floor, sanding, bla bla bla.  Oh friggin' joyful.  NOT.

My blue bubble is holding up well Kym!  I found myself singing yesterday at work... and kinda dancing around the shop!  Bernie (fellow worker) was impressed, she said it was lovely to see me so happy.  *smiles*

I'm doing the 'fake it till you make it' thing... and it's working.  I love ♥ love ♥ love music, so shall be listening to heaps more.  It is so uplifting.

First up today, I'm going to swing by a few blogs and see what's up with me friends.  Might have to do some housework too.  I shall just wing it today.

Catch ya later...


ABOVE:  There ya go.  Me diamond studs are in.  Nothing much to SEE, but you asked.

DAMMIT!  I just hung out the washing, and felt all good about it.  Now it's raining!  And I still don't  have side curtains, so I better run and make sure everything is pulled up out of the way so it doesn't get wet.  Even though we have the Archgola (roof up), it can still rain in.

Just had the first flooring company arrive to measure up for the repair of our kitchen floor/cupboard.

What?   NOOooooooooo!!!!   I sure will be crossing everything then!  There is NO WAY I want my entire floor ripped up AGAIN.  I will go mental.

Tomorrow's post will be going 'Public' again.
I have reverted to DRAFT Sat, Sun, Mon and will do today's too, so my kids will be left guessing what they missed, and they can't read the comments.  I don't want them to know it was a deliberate knee jerk reaction on my part.
Cos, well... it was.

I think next time I will just keep the blog public, but just not blog!  That would be much easier than having to issue invites!

End of Day:  well this is the last entry that will be reverted to draft, as tomorrow I go back 'online'.  I hope my kids have missed reading this!  I know lots of my friends and blog readers sure have!
nite nite


  1. We want to see the new earrings!

  2. I agree - we want to see the new earrings.

  3. Yes, picture of the earrings - and a video of you singing & dancing :-)

    1. *snort* ...!!!! Earrings yes, singing & dancing NO!

  4. Well done Chris on everything you are doing at the moment! Give it time, thinking of ya!

  5. Earrings look nice! I hope the floor is fixable. I don't think I should get laminate with all the animals, Someone would ruin it for sure.

  6. When you need to vent you still have Pepsi to let loose in!!

  7. I don't think it was a knee jerk reaction you were hurt end of story

  8. Don't stop blogging! Just keep it on Pepsi, if you want to invite me to that one again that would be great :)


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