Friday, February 20, 2015


Today is Patchwork class, and I hope to get the binding sewn on Alec's wall hanging, and maybe even start the hand stitching too.

That should keep me busy in class all morning. Not that I can't still natter away to the other ladies, I'm sure I will.  lol

Once I get home I'm going to make a start on getting a few things ready for tomorrow's little jaunt away.  Stew and I are really looking forward to it.

We have a few ideas on what we are going to do... places to visit etc.

More on that tomorrow.  *smiles*

So basically, that's me for now!
Not much for the start of the day today.


Bex is 30 weeks today... not long now till Grandchild No# 13 gets here!  (May 1st is Due Day).

No reply to my text to the Archgola guy yet.  He lives on his phone, so I know he's got it. Grrrrr.

Home from class.  We were a fairly quiet group today, some chit chat but mostly heads down sewing.  I got the binding sewn on, now all I have to do is the hand stitching.  I'll leave that till tonight.  I can do it while watching Coronation Street *smiles*.

This afternoon I might make a start on Sarah's wall hanging.  She's not even born yet!  lol
She's due in the next few days.  Bernadette (lady I work with at Hospice), has 3 grandchildren born/due in the space of a couple of months!  Lucky girl.

Right... off to get some lunch and then down to the sewing room.

This is how I spent my afternoon:

ABOVE:  The top is the original picture, below is my version.  I changed the eyes cos I didn't like the originals.  Bear in mind none of the stitching is done yet, so details like lines and edging isn't done yet.  
It hasn't photographed that well... it's really lovely!
She is going to have little butterflies around her head, and Sarah's name running down the right hand side (I think).

Now... I'm off to watch Master Chef, then Coronation Street.  I love Friday nights!

End of Day:  a lovely day, topped off by some of my favourite TV programmes.
nite nite


  1. Penny4:12 PM

    Chris, best wishes for a fantastic, well deserved break away. Good on you for planning it. The door man makes me grumpy and I hope he can feel my negative vibes radiating across the Tasman. As someone said yesterday, if you are in the lop about what is going on, a hold up is not such a bad thing. Courtesy does go a long way!

    Take care, Penny

  2. Penny4:13 PM

    *loop, not lop! Sigh...

  3. Thank is totally cute!!!!! I want one for myself!!
    Enjoy your well deserved weekend away :)

  4. I love your little dragon. So cute. I talk all through my patchwork class and get nothing done!

  5. I like Friday TV. Glad 7 Days is back too.

  6. Enjoy your time... Love the Dragon very cute. Archgola ring them say please come and dismantle arch I want a refund! Bet the sides turn up real quick.

  7. Cool dragon! Have a great weekend!

  8. You are so freakin' talented. Your dragon is wonderful.

  9. That dragon is so cute!


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