Friday, January 09, 2015


Yesterday I tried one of my new gel nail polishs on Bex:
 ABOVE:  Havin' fun. 

 ABOVE: The first polish I have tried.  It goes on orange, stays orange if your fingers are warm... and if they are cold it goes red!  I've got several colour change polishes to try yet!

 ABOVE:  Bex's nails going from cold to hot ... quite neat to watch! 

 ABOVE: Stew blowing out yet another birthday cake's candles.  The years roll by so much faster as you get older I must say.

ABOVE: Dante doesn't seem to have forgotten how you are 'supposed' to eat birthday cake!  *smiles*

Now... today.  If we all feel up to it, I reckon we are going back to the beach.
It's supposed to be a really nice day again, so perfect for a day at the beach.
I might give the shops a miss today though!

Catch ya later...


Scrapped plans for the beach.  I feel bone tired after an utterly crap night's sleep.  Sleep?  Nah I didn't get much of that!  My tummy was really upset with me.
I think the birthday cake was a bit too rich for me.

So... I might just go to the mall and find a couple of things I need for the nail kit.  We didn't get any cleanser and we need it.
I also want to price the gel polishes here. 

Stew and the kids went to the beach.  Bex, Dante and I went to the mall where I got a couple of nail essentials I don't have.
Then I went to Papakura and got another top on sale at Jean Jones/Platform.

ABOVE:  Keera had her first 'real' accident yesterday.  She's got a 'buckle' fracture of her forearm.  If it's not improved by next week she's in a cast for a few weeks.  Poor bubba.
Sorry Lacy, I just had to use THAT photo in the middle!  lol

End of Day:  a very quiet afternoon and evening I must say.  Did bugger all but watch telly and do a jigsaw on me laptop.
nite nite


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Happy Belated Birthday Stew!!!! Hope our cake didn't keep you awake last night :-)

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM


    Poor Keera ! I was having a look at AlleyCat's blog and saw the picture of the cat and further down the lilly flower we have a cat and I have found our that lillies in any form can be deadly to cats it is also the orange stuff that comes off the stamen of the flower so be careful...our cat is 15 years old...


  3. Love the gel nails and now I know what that machine is for, our beautiful Lake is being hammered by swimmers summer is finally here! Poor Keera a cast in this heat itchy scratchy hope she feels better soon.

  4. Love the pic of your wee Dante eating cake :-)

  5. Poor Keera, hope she isn't in too much pain.

  6. Poor girl! I know it's really hard her not living right near you any more, esp. when stuff like this happens. :/

  7. My friend is all into her nails, she has heaps of toys for them lol.

    Poor Keera :(

  8. Bummer about Keera, She looks to be handling it quite well in the photos. Hope she doesn't have to be in the cast long.

  9. My wife likes gel nail polish, but I never heard of the kind that changes color!


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