Tuesday, January 27, 2015


So, I got a text from Paul (Archgola guy) yesterday.
He said it was a definite 'GO' for today, but he would be a little late.  I am to expect him at around 10 am.
I said that's great cos it will give me time to get outta bed!
He came back with "And it will give you time to make morning tea".

I sent back this :  *SNORT*

Can you see me making anyone morning tea?  I don't think so!  Then again, *SIGH*.... I might pop down to the local hot bread shop and buy something.
I am not going to bake anything, that's for sure.  It's too tempting to eat home made yummy's.

So anyway... expect photos of the construction over the next couple of days... exciting stuff!
I'm like a kid in a candy store... 

Right, that's it for now... catch ya later.


I've been down, bought morning tea, done the housework and now... the blokes have arrived.
Bang on time too... which is amazing!  So often tradesmen arrive late.

So, they are unloading all the stuff... and setting up.  Three of them... all good!

The guys are onto it.  They've had their morning tea too, so my job is done.  *smiles*

More to come... later.

Just found out that the side curtains won't be arrived for a couple of weeks!  So, no 'moving in' will be happening just yet.
DAMN.  I didn't know that.  But as Paul pointed out, they couldn't take precise measurements for the curtains until the Archgola framing was up.

So... *sigh*, I have to wait some more!  I can show you the finished 'Archgola' by tomorrow though I guess.  And I can place stuff under it for a 'look see' how it will all fit I suppose?

ABOVE: Lastly for the day, the first piece of roofing material going on.

They will be back tomorrow to do the finishing off, then we wait for the side curtains.

We have the lovely Jacqui from Tauranga staying with us tonight, so a lovely evening chatting envisioned.

Time to relax.

End of Day:  an awesome day.  So happy the Archgola is up.
nite nite


  1. Hope everything goes well

  2. Cant wait to see it.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. He he he ... He's probably heard all about your famous scones (let's face it .... they look fabulous in the pictures you've posted on your blog in the past :) )

    1. He's getting club sandwiches and fresh cream donuts. I MIGHT do scones tomorrow.

  5. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Exciting !


  6. Can't wait to see the photos

  7. Great idea to feed the workmen. I can't wait to see how it turns out....and how quickly you get everything moved in.

  8. It will be great! Could I ask though how do they "waterproof" the house side? If the roof runs down there will the water come in?

    1. No idea Lynda, but it is supposed to be waterproof!

  9. I just checked some photos, looks like it goes over the guttering - that would make it watertight :)

  10. Gee that's fast alright wow I can see that room being a real advantage 2 weeks isn't long before you know it the time will fly by, you COULD make ginger loaf/ cake for them...

  11. Awesome!! That looks perfect for our patio... don't seem to be available in Australia though.. :-(

    1. Actually AllyS I did see an add for something very similar. I think it was in the 'Sun'. I didn't think they were available here either.

  12. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Cor blimey girl. You're getting good views of the workmen's asses! The third bloke in the dark blue t-shirt doesn't seem to be doing much. Whip his ass girl! Bet you and Jacqui are having fun ;)!

  13. Well that kind of sucks that the whole thing isn't there but still exciting that it's getting started.


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