Tuesday, January 13, 2015


So, going to the beach a week ago and getting sunburnt equals... being ITCHY as hell!
I reckon I'm going to peel.  Bugger.
I've not peeled in YEARS.

I think Griffin might as well, cos he's itchy too.

Oh well... might be more careful next time!

SHARKS:  2 spotted at Pauanui Beach the other day and 9,  YES NINE!!! at Matarangi Beach yesterday!  I am not getting in the sea ever again!
Well... until it's so bloody hot I just have to ... up to me knees only!

Seriously, talk about a lot of sharks this summer.

Today I might take the kids to the mall.  I've got no real reason to go out, except to keep them amused and stop them squabbling with each other.  *sigh*
Dare I start the countdown to school yet?

I could paint some more kitchen cupboards (the blue ones), but I might just wait a week or two.  The guys can do the sanding first, then I can do the painting.  So, I'll give them a break for now.  *smiles*

As it's so hot in the garage, I'm not sewing much right now.  Shame, cos I've got several projects that I really need to get a move on with.  (baby quilt, name bumper etc).

So, when I get home I think I will read a few blogs.  Who's been blogging?  What ya been up too?  I will find out!


Well... we went to Sylvia Park and had a nice lunch.  I had fruit and a beetroot and carrot salad I bought from the supermarket.  Really yum!

Then we came home and Griffin and I jumped in the cold spa pool and I lay in the sun for a little while.

Brylee is on the XBox and happy as, I gave her back her SIM game ... finally.  I hope she behaves at school this year or she might not have it for long!

I just bathed the dogs... in the paddle pool.  Neither thought much of that.   I have blocked them from coming inside while they are all wet.  
ABOVE:  Tallulah does the 'frazzled' look rather well!  *smiles*

Time to sort out what I'm feeding the family for dinner I suppose.  

I just spent an hour roughing up 2 more boards to paint.  I've got ideas running through my head for one at least.  Not going to tell right now though.  Dumm dee dooo....  Oh and I slammed one of me fingers with the hammer and skinned a knuckle too.  Ouch.  A bruise is already forming on me finger... *sniff*, it bloody hurt.

End of Day:  I was going to do the first round of paint on my next two boards late this afternoon, but I've run outta freakin' paint.
So that's on me list of 'to do' tomorrow.  A quiet evening here, like usual.
nite nite


  1. I loathe going swimming in the sea I only go to just above knees! I do however love the salt air and that feeling of sand tickling your toes. We had an unbesrably hot night was hot hot hot.

  2. Find the kids heaps to do in separate areas of the house. You could always send Brylee back to work at the Hospice shop.

  3. Hey how did the visit from Teddy go? Was he happy to see you? I don't think I saw any more after you mentioned he was coming xx

  4. I posted photos etc ... but yeah, the visit went very well. He was happy to be here, couldn't get in the front door fast enough! But he was also happy to leave again too, which was neat to see. He's so happy where he is now, with no annoying toddler.

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Lol toddler and toddler puppy get it right


  5. Good luck surviving the summer break. Belated Happy Birthday to Stew. Be careful in the sun!


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