Thursday, November 13, 2014


Well... it's one of those days where I am going to read some blogs, do some housework, then do a bit of sewing I think.

I've got a bloke arriving at lunchtime to have a look at where we might put a conservatory, then give us a quote.

I have a feeling it's a no go purely due of cost.
I thought it might be around $20,000, but the man from yesterday said it was more like $40,000!  So, might be a case of re-thinking things!

No way do we want to spend that much.  Damn.
But, there is no harm in getting some firm quotes, better to know than wonder.

Sent an email to B last night asking how Teddy was doing.  Have not heard back yet.  I think about him constantly, hoping he's happy.

Right, I'm outta here, got stuff to do.


It's bloody freezing this morning.  I've tried cleaning the lounge room ceiling, half way through I got all dizzy from looking up, so gave that away as a bad idea.  Washing floors instead.

About to get a blankie and sit down and read some blogs I think.  Brrrrr... talk about a cold snap. 

I'm too cold to sit here!   The 2nd Conservatory guy arrived, took measurements, said they would have to rip up the concrete pad, put down new foundations... bla bla bla... and left.
I'm still thinking it's a NO GO. 

Now looking at Archgolas.

ABOVE: An Archgola with side blinds.  No council permit needed.  No ripping up the existing concrete.  No expensive glass/doors/windows.
Could be an option. 
The salesman is coming around at 7pm tonight to check out the space!

So, I decided to use the Selley's Sugar Soap mixture that I'd been cleaning the ceilings with to wash the floor.
It showed up all the wipe marks, streaks and a dull off white residue.

I had to re-wash the bloody floor didn't I?
Handy Andy and Dettol.  Me trusted floor cleaner... now I know for sure me floor is clean.

My back is now aching... and I've got to cook dinner.
We are having beef/bacon/tomoato stew with mashed spuds and vegs tonight.

Well.. dinner was lovely.
And the Archgola man turned up and measured up, discussed options and gave us an informal quote... and it looks like... all going well... we might just be getting an Archgola in the New Year!
It can't be done any sooner as they are flat out busy... which I can understand.

End of Day:  a very productive day I must say.  I had not even thought of an Archgola until Stew suggested it as a cheaper option to a conservatory.  So glad he thinks outside the square.
nite nite


  1. Here construction costs are always double what you think they'll be! Nowadays, a fancy new car costs more than I paid for my house!

  2. Chris approach your local high schools our one here at TNT built sheds , rooms etc as part of their yr 13 assessments under supervision of course clients supply materials students are labour there are waiting lists every year for their service....

  3. Give it a yr or so and steve will be able to do it.

  4. An archgola is a way better option. Stu's Dad has a massive one and it is amazing.

  5. I like the archgola, never seen something like that before.

  6. We wanted an Archgola but needed not just council permit but resource consent too if over I think 10 metres!

  7. I use sugar soap on my floors, but I add baking soda, white vingar and lemon juice and it works really well. Really lifts the dirt.

  8. The archgola looks amazing , hope it works for you. Dinner sounds really good!

  9. So What exactly is the difference between an archgola and a conservatory? IS it like a indoor porch or sunroom? And where on earth is the lady with a Teddy update????

    1. A conservatory is like a 'proper' extension on your house, and is quite expensive to do. An Archgola is like a 'carport' sort of thing, just a roof and drop down blinds. It doesn't have solid walls.

  10. Oh that arch thing is beautiful! I'd love to have something like that.

  11. Anonymous10:30 AM

    For blimey Chris, that's gonna set you back a pretty penny! Wot wiv Christmas and all! Good luck wiv that one, luv.


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