Thursday, October 30, 2014


Yesterday I was so sure today was Friday, I had sorted out my patchwork bag, fabrics, pattern and so on, all ready for going out this morning.

BUT .. it's bloody Thursday isn't it?  Far out.
Now what do I do today?

Of course, I will sew that Beach Babes wall hanging I suppose.
Or plot my next move ... 


It actually feels GOOD to be using PEPSI again.  It's a safe place to 'talk'.

So, it's been a bit rough lately.  But I'm hoping things will settle down now.
Puppy is doing well... though totally NOT house trained at all.  She's still 'going' in all the wrong places, which is a bit annoying.  But, she's only a baby, so one must make allowances.

ABOVE: I put Tallulah on the lead yesterday, and Dante got to walk/run around the house with her... he giggled himself silly.  Tallulah seemed to enjoy it too, which was neat.  Then Teddy got 'walked' too, but he wasn't quite so accommodating, so that didn't last too long.

So... I've not nothing else right now, so I'm off to do a bit of washing, tidying up, then sew I think.


It's been an interesting morning.  I had an impromptu appointment outside the house.  I think it went very well.

It took about an hour and a half, so now it's like... 1.30 and I'm kinda hungry.  I didn't have dinner last night... had lost me appetite.  

So. off to find food.

Then maybe plan next step.

'Next step' done and dusted.  Nuf said.  All good on the home front.

ABOVE:  Russell stopped in this morning with his new car.  It's lovely.  I don't like it being so 'lowered' but other than that... *drool* worthy. 

Right, it's been one of those days, time to  dust off the headache and make dinner. 

End of Day: after a so-so start, it ended well I must say!
nite nite


  1. I've been looking for your todays post, envious because it was Thursday there already. Here it is lunchtime Wednesday here, just getting over the hump!

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    The pic of Dante & Tallulah is priceless!!! Love it!!

  3. Please don't stop blogging. I love your blog. It's just so nice to read, even the teen drama. It helps seeing how others (well, you) deal with dramatic teens.... And it's just so "everyday life". You know - I like that.

  4. Russell is pretty drool worthy too!

  5. Dante and Tallulah are so cute together. Russell car is very cool. Glad the appointment had some good outcomes.

  6. Love Russell's new car! He must have a good job! Very jealous! lol (bet it sounds awesome too!)


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