Saturday, October 04, 2014


Am I allowed to be excited about buying a new iron today?
I know.. it's pretty sad really.

Particularly when I HATE ironing. 

I can't remember when I last bought a proper iron.  YEARS ago no doubt.  I hope there's not too much choice, that just does me head in.  How do you decide?  *sigh*

I'd have NO trouble choosing a diamond ring.
Go figure.

As it's Saturday, we will probably have lunch out at a mall... like we do most Saturday's.

ABOVE:  I made another 5-6 of these last night, and I'm so chuffed with how well my points are coming together now.  It just takes a bit more time and effort, and pinning to get them almost perfect.
I'm not aiming for PERFECT, cos I don't think I can get them any better than that!  

I really enjoyed sewing last night, but OMG it's cold in the garage at the moment!  The weather really has backtracked to winter again.  Brrrrr.

Hopefully it passes soon cos I'm not liking being cold that much... though it is a relief when one gets a hot flush!

Right, yakkity yak time over... off to get some washing on... do the usual morning stuff.


STEVE got up ... and fixed me bloody iron!  So now I don't have to buy a new one. I'm gutted.  I was so looking forward to going out and getting a new one too.

Now I will have to think of something else to get instead!  Cos... once my mind is set on a shopping expedition... it has to happen.  Right?

Well... we decided to go to the Noel Leeming Sale, being held at the ASB Showgrounds in Greenlane.
After sitting in traffic for about an hour we finally found a carpark and went in. 
To a sea of people.  And we found NOTHING worth buying.  The prices in some instances were only a few dollars less than normal prices.

Felt a bit ripped off.  I suppose if you wanted a computer printer you would be happy, cos there were heaps of them for rock bottom prices!

So, we left and had lunch at St Lukes mall, then stopped in at Bunnings on the way home and got this:

ABOVE:  a cute little picnic table and seats, for the littlies.  It's going to be lovely for summer time.

End of Day:  it's bloody FREEZING today!  Everyone in the house is saying how cold it is tonight.  Even Stew put on a sweatshirt!  
Freakin' weather better hurry up and make up it's mind.  Spring thanks.
nite nite


  1. I don't mind ironing - I do all the shirts even though Stu offers. I got a new iron recently and it's a Panosonic - the main thing I wanted was light. So many of the more expensive irons are really heavy !! Don't go for all the fancy bells and whistles, a good brand that's light with good steam is all you need.

  2. Certainly feels like winter again. Glad to be going to Brisbane on Tuesday for a week. Your pinwheels are looking great.
    I recently bought a new iron-for me it has to have an auto shut off as I am notorious for leaving the iron on-think my record is two days!! Lucky there was no fire!

  3. Through scientific experimentation, I determined conclusively that it is cheaper to send the ironing out than do it myself. When I iron, the electric bill goes through the roof!

  4. Why don't you give the fixed iron to Steve and Bec fir when they've and buy yourself a new one. Makes ironing so much easier with a new iron

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Good idea but iv all ready got an iron in storage :)

    2. Penny4:36 PM

      Hey Becs, you could encourage this idea anyway so you end up with two irons, then you and Steve could spend time together as a couple doing the ironing in half the time! Do you think Steve would go for that? Penny xo

  5. Ohhhh bugger no new iron, but clever Steve, ohhhh how I don't miss Akld traffic, we had snow sleet hail and gale winds today I did gate at rugby tournament Son ran cords for Sky TV in that weather YIP was horrid.


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