Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I totally forgot to mention yesterday the results of my Dr's visit:

- I'm now on a different blood pressure pill, one that will make me piddle more, so my fluid retention might just get a bit better.

- I've got Gees Linctus for me cough, it's an old fashioned cough syrup, tastes ikkk... but worth it's weight in gold.

- My on going nausea is most likely caused by my getting off Amitriptyline totally, AND is probably why my hot flushes are worse than ever.  SO... I have had to go BACK ON THE BLOODY STUFF.  But only a tiny dosage, hopefully just enough to bring the hot flushes back under control and also help me sleep at night again.  Fingers crossed on that one, though I'm pissed that I have to be on it again.

But, at least this time it's NOT for depression.

*** don't forget, if you want a chance to win my Lighthouse wall hanging, leave me a comment today or tomorrow.  You have till 11 pm tomorrow night (NZ Time).

Finally for now...  I have something exciting to tell you!  But not right now.  IF IT EVENTUATES, I can tell you about 'it' late tonight ... like after 9.30 pm!  Super excited and so hopeful it works out.

Today?  I'm going to sew again... all going well.
No point setting it in concrete, cos ya just never know what could come along to stuff up ya plans eh?


Another morning of waking up feeling ill.  I have had a dry piece of toast even!  And that's not me, eating first thing in the morning.  
It seems to have helped though, so all good.

As it was raining something rotten at 8 am,  I took the kids to school... that's a rare event!
I've also done a couple of jobs down in Manurewa, so now I can relax and stay home for the day.

KAREN J:  Your little parcel is on it's way finally.  I kinda forgot it for a week or so.  Call it 'sick brain'.  *smiles*

DANTE:  seems to be much better today.  He's eaten a little toast too, and is very chatty... but then he was like that yesterday morning, then he crashed at midday.  Fingers crossed that doesn't happen again.

I want today to go FAST... I'm so excited about tonight!  Don't ya wish you knew why?  hee hee...

5.15 hours to go!!!   OOOOoooo the suspense is killing me.

ON other matters, I have just put 3 nice sized pieces of Pork Belly in the oven.  ... dinner is going to be delicious.

There is a certain dog in this house who does not like getting HIS feet wet to go poop outside.  He's been banished to outside for 30 minutes... little shit.

WELL.... here is the news:

 ABOVE:  Meet our new girl.  As yet unnamed, and still living with her birth family.  She will be coming home on Saturday 27th September.

So now we have to find a name for her!  

End of Day:  well, full of suspense and now we have seen her, we can't wait to get her home.  And it's going to be a long 10 days.
nite nite


  1. Sounds like you are having sympathy morning sickness for bex! Hope you are feeling ok.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Oh hi Bee :-) from the Tga Girls :-)

  2. Bee, do you want to go in the draw for the little lighthouse wall hanging?

  3. The bloody suspense is going to drive me nuts!!!!

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I understand the cold thing this winter. It seems to hang around for at least a month, and the cough drives you nuts, it is so persistent. And that is without the rest of it! I hope you are well soon. Hugs

  5. Hi Chris, can I go into the draw for the wall house hanging please.


  6. Can't wait for your news!

  7. Please put me into the drawing for the wall hanging!! And feel better!!!!! Now news already!!!!! LOL

  8. Anonymous1:53 PM

    You're a tease! Sounds exciting I hope it works out for you whatever it is :)
    Kym/ Australia

  9. Anonymous4:29 PM

    So, have to stalk your blog to find out now huh LOL, hopefully all goes to plan and "it" is everything you want/need/deserve Chris. So glad everything is going well (ish) for you. Big hugs, Michele PN

  10. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Thank you for the chance of winning!
    Sue K, UK

  11. Well that's not such bad news re meds? Hope the change helps. I am not going to ask to be in draw, I have already some gorgeous things of yours so spoilt I am. Will check back in later for the suspenseful news.

  12. I am intrigued... 2 hours 8 minutes and counting!! I hope this "something" eventuates. Fingers crossed!!

  13. Very curious. Keep checking phone in case you spill early

  14. Hope you enjoyed your dinner. Looking forward to hearing your news.

  15. nawwwww what a little cutie Chris, love the colour

  16. I've been thinking that we need an additional new dog too!

  17. What a cutie your "news" is. It will be interesting to hear how she settles in with Teddy and Coco.

  18. Awww so cute! YEAH Lots of new puppy pictures to come ;)

  19. so sorry you are not well .love the look of the new doggy .
    Great news about Bex
    Very difficult these days for me to use the laptop .
    My central vision is really clapped out ,
    Still love to read your blog even if it is a struggle
    xxxx to all

  20. OMG, a three-dog household! What a wee sweetheart.


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