Friday, September 05, 2014


 This time of year produces some amazing sunsets, and I was lucky and caught this one a couple of nights ago:

ABOVE:  around 5.45 pm... and in 5 minutes it was gone!

I WON the Sewing Machine Trolley auction!  I'm so thrilled about that.
I'm now waiting on the seller to get in touch with me,  to organise pick up and payment.
I'm hoping we can go down and pick it up sometime this weekend.

I can't wait to see how much I can get in it.  I'm just so chuffed to have seen it and as I was the only bidder, I got it for a darn good price, (the reserve, and no more).

Because I'm still feeling really ikkk from the backache AND the pain killers making me sick, I'm staying home today instead of going to Patchwork Class.
Bugger it.  I really wanted to go too. 

Oh well, next time I go to class I should have a really good bag for transporting all me bits 'n' bobs and McDreamy.  *clapping me hands together like a little kid*   *smiles*

Right, I am going to get dressed and make a start on me day... probably just spend some time cutting out fabric ready to do some sewing.

Oh... forgot to mention:  Stew is taking today off work so he can go and watch Griffin play Indoor Basketball for his school.

Griffin practised heaps and got into one of the school teams.  He's really proud of himself, as he should be.  It's also neat to see him doing something 'athletic', instead of being parked in front of the XBox or TV at home.

Stew took him out last night to get him some 'proper' basketball sneakers.  $180 later... he has some!  I sure hope he doesn't outgrow them too fast!


Yaaa, I've heard back from the seller of the sewing machine bag and it's all set for pickup tomorrow afternoon.  

I'm now stopping the fabric cutting out so I can have some lunch... then I will be right back into it.

I've just got back from the Doctors, where I went for my 3 monthly diabetes check up.
Blood results... were very bad.
I've been VERY BAD.
And me blood pressure is way too high again.


Time to turn it around again.  And I feel I can now.  I'm 'letting go' of all the worries that have been dragging me down. 

I'm focusing on ME and STEW (and B & G) from now on... making sure we are all OK and happy.
The rest of the family can fit around us, visit us if they wish and just live their own lives.  I'm no longer worrying about any of them.  They are all grown ups and can look after themselves and their own little families.

Griffin's basketball team played 6 games today, and they won 5 of them, coming 2nd overall in the tournament.  He's really happy and we are very proud of him.

Would you believe all I have done ALL DAY is cut out fabric for my new Dresden Plate quilt!
And I'm only 2/3rds done.  I'm going to stop soon and have a long, relaxing spa.  
My back has been getting steadily worse all day, so time to stop and actually relax for a while.

End of Day:  a lovely day really.  We are going to Matamata tomorrow to pick up the new-to-me Sewing Machine Trolley Bag.  We shall be leaving mid-morning and having lunch in Matamata, before we head on out to get the trolley bag.  The people who sold it to us live out in the country a bit, so a nice little drive for us.
nite nite


  1. Beautiful sunset pic.
    Congratulations to Griffin for making the basketball team and it great that Stew is going to watch him.

  2. Man everything is so expensive there! WTG Griffin on the BB team!!

  3. That's one thing I miss about the Pacific Ocean, best sunsets in the world!

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Well done griffin yah for getting on the team. You go I know mum and dad are so proud of you.

  5. Well done Griffin!!!! That's fantastic.

  6. Lorraine H2:51 PM

    Way to go Griffin.I know the family are very proud of you.

    Southgirl x

  7. Great result Griffin, something tells me he indeed will need new shoes he is still growing! Score on the trolley trade me best place ever.

  8. Go Griffin! Good job!

  9. Hi ya, I have followed your blog for years now, I would say at least five years and I have never commented..... eeekkk not really sure why I haven't before now and why today is the day lol. I love reading your blog, maybe because we are so different in many ways but other ways similar. I have two boys 15 and 12 and I love running marathons and training in general, I do not have a crafty bone in my body but love looking at all the things you make! I have been through depression a few years back but all is good now! I just wanted to finally say hi, and I am going to comment more regularly from now on! I hope you get your blood pressure sorted out. Your blog is great and I love checking in (from Australia) to see what you and the family are up to :) Nic

  10. Good for you guys. Take care. You are sounding happy and positive.
    Keep it up.

  11. Hope your back gets better quickly. Take care of yourself. Hope your purchase works out.


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