Saturday, June 28, 2014


I'm hoping like hell Dante is feeling a bit better today.
He was incredibly miserable yesterday, all he wanted to do was lie on Bex, draped over her shoulder.
It was a tough day for Bex.

Steve has taken today off work so he can help with Dante.  

That's not to say Stew and I couldn't or wouldn't help... but they want to care for him themselves and I totally understand that.

Today I am pretty much going to sew for most of the day.  I'm hoping Russell isn't home for a bit longer yet, as I have heaps to do before his quilt is finished.  It doesn't help that twice since I started his quilt I've had to re-arrange my sewing area!
It just didn't 'work' how I had it... so some minor adjustments needed to be made.

Hopefully I have it right now.  I drive myself nuts sometimes...  having to re-arrange all the time!
ABOVE:  I got the NZ added last night, just have to do the stitching down the middle of the Z then I can move on to the next phase.

so... you all have a great morning, and I'll be back later.


Whoops!  It's much later than I thought.  I have been sewing for the past 4 hours!
I had an idea for another aspect of the quilt, so I've been doing this:

ABOVE:  Cutting up batik strips, joining them then turning them into little triangular pieces.  I have then backed them, sewn them and turned them in the right way... So they are complete as they are, as triangles.
The next phase will be to .....   ha ha!  Ain't gunna tell you.  You will have to wait and see.
It's something I've not tried before, so I'm excited!

Wow I've done heaps today!  While looking at all those triangles, it doesn't appear to be much.
Never mind, I'm thrilled with them ... Donna told me they are called Prairie Points.

I saw a picture on Pinterest of a little baby quilt with them on it, and have wanted to do some myself since then.

I got ONE small section of the first border around the centre of the Fern Quilt done, and will show you tomorrow.

End of Day:  a neat day, so happy to have been able to sew all day!  I take the weekends 'off' doing housework, so I can sew to me heart's content.  Stew picks up the slack... gotta love my man.
nite nite


  1. Wow looking good I am off to brave the cold at the rugby and then home to bed I have been fighting coughs sniffs and not the best but oh well I will get to rest this arvo.

  2. ohhh what a wonderful job you have done Chris, Russell is going to love that quilt.

  3. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Wow, you're quilt looks great so far. I love the colors! Enjoy you sewing day.. Chrissy in oz xx

  4. I hope Dante is feeling better.

    Good to see you managed lots of sewing today :-)

  5. Luv' the quilt especially the triangles . I have done that around a table runner great effect called prairie points ��I think. It's been awhile lol

  6. Love your creativity! And envy your sewing time alot!
    Wish we could catch up again soon. Coming to Tasmania anytime soon?

  7. Lovely to see you enjoying your sewing :) I wish I had half your talent.

  8. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Your Stew certainly is a catch (although so are you, and I have met you in real life ;-) ). Blog entry imminent - thanks for checking in on me. Much love, Penny xo

  9. That project is REALLY shaping up!


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