Sunday, May 25, 2014


We have a few jobs to get done today.
Stew needs some more work shirts, so a trip to Munns in Botany is on the cards for today.

Also, I want to get a few more winter clothes for Keera.  I have almost enough clothes for her to wear on her weekends with us now.  I don't want Lacy worrying about getting clothes dry to send with her.  It is winter now and getting clothes dry can be difficult. 

Hopefully Keera is feeling better when she gets up.  She was fairly miserable yesterday.  Lacy is due back here late afternoon.  I'm sure Keera will be happy to see her Mummy.

I'm not sure yet when we will be going to Botany, because Coco has to be at the Vet's at midday to have her stitches out.

Last night when I checked on Coco's tummy, she rolled over and had a fairly large 'leak' of fluid from one area of her incision, right there and then ... it freaked me out!  But when I cleaned her up it looked OK.  It was probably a build up of fluid from under her skin.

There is some pinkness around a couple of the stitches, but I'm thinking that's just because they need to come out.
Time will tell.  I hope the vet is happy with her recovery.

 ABOVE:  sometimes these two get on so well... they were being extra cute sitting side by side having their morning tea.  Dante even leaned over and put his head on her shoulder.  Awwww.

 ABOVE: Dante's face when he saw himself in the posable viewfinder on my camera!  Classic... he kept saying "WOW"!  Again, so bloody cute.

 ABOVE:  He was a scream in the bath last night.  He has suddenly decided to lie on his tummy and 'swim'... lots of water everywhere as you can imagine.
I shall not show photos of Keera in the bath.  She looked miserable with her cold.

The Weight Loss group I set up is going great!  We now have 43 members, and I am really enjoying the support from everyone, and supporting them in their endeavours too.

One of the girls in the group told us about a book that was being offered FREE on Kindle yesterday only, so I grabbed it. (thanks Mel)

ABOVE:  Stew and I both want to read it.  We are both Diabetics, Type 2.  Time to knuckle down and work on cutting down/out sugar if nothing else!

Right, I'm outta here for now... kids to feed, dogs to feed, bla bla bla...all the usual weekend stuff.  


***  Our weight loss group is about to close for new members.  We don't want to become a huge, impersonal group at all.

So, if I don't know you... I cannot add you.  We have only 7 more invites to join to go. 

I'm now off to take Coco to the Vet.  Fingers crossed all goes well.

The vet visit went ok... but there is one section of Coco's wound that has not sealed up, so the Vet had to put a staple in ... and Coco is on another round of anti-biotics as well.  But on a whole, she has recovered well.

Sadly, she has to stay in the cone for a while longer.

After dropping Coco back home, we went out and got some more business shirts for Stew, his current shirts are starting to look a bit shabby.  Did  you know business shirts can cost up to $180!!!  We didn't buy any at that price, but still managed to spend a small fortune!

We also bought Keera and Dante a couple of winter clothes items.  It's just as much fun shopping for grandkids as yourself.  Actually, it's more fun cos ya don't get all hot and crabby trying on clothes yourself.

EDIT:  got to take back everything we bought for Dante.  SHAME you can't return Sale Items.  Looks like the Hospice Shop is going to benefit from our shopping.

Home and just going to chill for a while.  Shopping can be so tiring! 

BEE:  I will need your Facebook link to 'friend' you first.

End of Day:  it doesn't take much for your day to be ruined.
nite nite


  1. Awwww so adorable those two, Dante your blue eyes are mesmerising, hopefully for me a slowish day ( somehow me thinks not!!!).

  2. Those are some beautiful blue eyes, young Dante. Like his Grandma!

  3. That's a great book to read !! There are lots of good reads that will help you along the same lines. "I Quit Sugar" by Sarah Wilson is another good one. She also has a great website and lots of information.

  4. Hope Coco's vet visit was a good one!

  5. Good luck for Coco.

  6. Lorraine H2:36 PM

    Hope all has gone well for Coco with her stitches at the Vets.

    Southgirl x

  7. Dante's blue eyes get me every time. Gorgeous!!! All your kids are gorgeous. I'm hoping they're all feeling better too.
    Sounds like a lot of effort is going into your support group. I take my hat off to you. No grass growing under your feet.
    How's Coco? I hope she's okay.
    xo jj

  8. Can I please join in??

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      If you cant with my ma....ill be your support person along the way....ill get out and do walks and stuff :-) sorry Ma not trying to poach ya mates.
      Xo Lacy :-)

    2. My Facebook is Bee Carlson not sure how to send a link? I'll take you up on that Lacy!

  9. If Stews shirts are too shabby for Mike please think of me. I'd repurpose any that a are 100% cotton for my quilts.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Pity the clothes for Dante were not wanted, the store where you bought them from May give you a credit note or allow you to exchange for something else. Just explain that they were not right for him. They will probably do this even if they won't refund.

  12. Can you swap Dante's clothes for extra ones for either Rena or Keera?

  13. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Just dropped in to say we love you here in computer land and appreciate you sharing your blog with us and now the weight group! You're so generous to all, I wish it was appreciated by all! Love Lacey poaching your weight group member. Hehe just joking Lacey! How's the driving?

  14. Post some pics of Keera's new clothes when you get the chance! :)

  15. Weird on the clothes. You'd think since they are already paid for they would want them. Guess you know not to be a nice Grandma next time.

    I can't imagine telling my Mom I couldn't accept something she bought for my kids.


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