Saturday, April 26, 2014


Because of Easter and Anzac Day, and then Stew being home on holidays, along with the kids, I have no idea what day it is!  
Right, looking at the calendar, it's Saturday! 

So, Steve is working today.  I don't know if he's doing a full day or a half day.  If it's a half day he will come home, then go shopping!

He's received his 'tool grant', which is given to all Apprentices after they have been on the job for a certain length of time.... so he can now go and buy a few of the bigger ticket tools he will need as a Builder.

I'm excited for him... shopping is so much fun.  *smiles*  He's also been incredibly lucky that our friend Marty has literally given him hundreds of dollars worth of tools for a pittance too. 

Ah... I think I need to get that 'pittance' off Steve, cos we are picking up those tools for him today!

AND, I am making scones for lunch today.  We are having lunch with Marty, Jacqui and their kids today while we are over that way.

I don't fancy having to walk up their driveway again!  But, needs must I suppose.

Once we are home again, I am going to take some time out and read some blogs and catch up with a few of you.

ABOVE:  A lovely photo of our Dante, I had forgotten to share it.  So, ya get it now... cos it's that or nothing.
Till later.


My house smells divine!  I've just taken cheese scones out of the oven ... lunch is ready to be taken over to Marty & Jacqui's house.

I'll be back later. 

Well, my scones went down well with everyone.  Which is nice.

PAULA:  My scone recipe?  Ha ha!  I don't really keep to any recipe.

As a rough guide:
For every BIG cup of flour I add a heaped teaspoon of Baking Powder.  (I usually use around 6 cups of flour, so I add 6 heaped teaspoons of Baking Powder).  Then I grate a HUGE amount of Tasty Cheese (around 500-600 grams), and about 100 grams of grated butter and I stir it into the sifted flour and baking powder.
Then I pour in milk, a good splosh at a time, and I mix it together with a knife, until it is a big clump, but not too sticky.   Then I DO NOT KNEAD it at all.... I just tip it out onto a floured bench, pat it into a rectangle about  30 cms think, cut it into squares and chuck them on a greased baking tray and bake them in the oven for about 15-20 minutes.  Temperature 220 degrees C.

BOOM!  Done... and delicious.  You would not believe it, but a tasty cheese scone with jam and cream is freakin' amazing!  You can't even tell they are cheese scones.

If you want a more savoury scone, just add some fresh herbs, bacon or ham bits, dried tomatoes... etc.

All the comments left on my blog USUALLY come via an email, so ... something is up with that cos so many comments have been left, but no corresponding email has arrived for a few days.  Weird.
And slightly annoying.  Because of the delay, I am left feeling like no one likes me anymore!

Now, I have to go to my settings page and publish comments from there.  So, if you have left a comment, but not seen it yet, it's because I just realised what was going on.

 ABOVE:  Marty's Mum made this gorgeous quilt for her Granddaughter Sofia Grace.  It's so cute.
Gives me ideas for the next Granddaughter who comes along.

 ABOVE:  The guys securing a huge tool box on the car.
ABOVE:  Steve had just got home when we got back from lunch, so he had a chance to drool over the tools Marty had given him.
AND now?  He's gone off to buy the other tools he needs.  Stew and Griffin have gone with him.  It's a 'man' thing buying tools... lol.

COTTONREEL (Kathleen):  I can't leave a comment on your blog for some reason.  I would like to!

End of Day:  well another in a long run of nice days.  Long may they last.
nite nite


  1. I love his little feet!!!

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Yo throw a few of those hand me down tools my way eh Steve my favourite brother in the whole world... :-)

  3. Dante is so deliciously cute! those blue eyes. Would be good exercise walking up that driveway especially pre scones and post scones!

  4. Yum that sounds good!

  5. I hope that steep driveway doesn't seem so bad today! Gorgeous photo of Dante. Can you please share your scones recipe - I'm hopeless at making scones! Thanks Chris.

  6. Steve must be in heaven. I know what Mr T is like when he goes shopping for tools

  7. Thanks for posting your scone recipe - will have a go at making them tomorrow for lunch I think

  8. THe scones sound delicious! You sounded so excited to go tool shopping, I thought maybe they were going to drop you off at a fabric store somewhere!

  9. No idea why , lousy laptops . Unreliable
    I've had a frustrating day, keep dropping sts on my knitting


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