Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Humble apologies for not getting the photos of my Hospice Shop up yesterday!   I got sidetracked last night with sewing...  so here they are:
ABOVE:  General view from beside the counter.

 ABOVE:  counter to the left, looking towards the front door.

 ABOVE:  at front of shop, children/baby area.

 ABOVE:  anyone want a golf club? We have plenty!

ABOVE: bric-a-brack area, books, tapes, CD's etc.

ABOVE:  General area, glassware, furniture etc.

ABOVE: Menswear.  

ABOVE:  sectioned off area at the back of the shop... where we sort and price everything that comes in.  I would call it 'organised chaos' area.  *smiles*

So, there ya go.  A virtual walk around the Manukau Hospice shop.  Bet ya didn't think it was that big.  It is probably the largest Hospice Shop in South Auckland.

ABOVE:  the treasure I got yesterday.  A really nice magazine rack, toast rack, necklace and a pretty pink beach mat.  It's quite large with a blow up pillow at one end.  I think it's lovely.  And the toast rack is a vintage, and I love it!

Today:  well I was going to visit Lacy, but she has come down with a tummy bug, so I think it would be prudent to steer clear of her for a while.  I don't want to catch it, tempting as it is to lose a few pounds quickly, I don't think I want to pass it on to everyone here.
Like hell no!  Spewing/crapping kids I can do without.

So... I might just go to Sylvia Park for a browse.  And to look in the Spotlight there too... they often have different fabrics on special from the Manukau store.


ABOVE:  I forgot to show you these photos of Steve, Bex and Griffin's visit to Rainbow's End Amusement park here in Auckland.  They had a blast.  Turns out Bex is a 'screamer', and did heaps of it!  Griffin had a wonderful time, thanks S & B for taking him for us.

What is the quickest way to have your blood pressure shoot up?  Go shopping... and have goddamn idiots wandering in front of you, giving you no chance to get past them because they are walking 3 abreast.  Grrrrrr.... seriously wanted to bitch slap several groups of people today.

Then on the motorway, two big trucks in lanes 1 and 2 doing 90 kms/hr, and in lane 3?  The 'fast' lane?  A friggin van doing..... 90 kms/hr... and they were all abreast of each other too!  OMG.  I got so mad, as did several other motorists behind me.  When I finally managed to pass them I gave the van driver the bloody wanker sign... he so deserved it.

Road rage.  Yep, I can see how it happens.

So... I did manage to get all my shopping done.  New phone charger cord for my car, fabric to finish a project, a couple of gifts for the next birthday coming up... though I did drop one and smash it!  Another moment that got me all hot and crabby.
I also returned the blue gel phone cover I bought a couple of weeks ago... it simply did not fit properly, I got a different sort of cover, with the cost of the blue gel one taken off... which was good.

ABOVE:  I also got Lea Michele's Debut album, I've been waiting for it's release.  I love her voice, have loved her singing since Glee first showed on the TV.  

Right, lunchtime.  I'm going to have some of my rice risotto while watching taped Home and Away from yesterday.  Then... sewing.

JULIE:  No I don't have the rice risotto every day, I do have other lunches inbetween.  Because of course I would get sick of it if I had it every day.

I have all but finished Rena's Ballerina birthday present.  It took longer than expected.  But I ♥LOVE♥ how it's turned out, and can't wait till I can show you all.  THAT will be on Sunday 23rd March, after I give it to her.

Really, really annoyed right now... not with ANYONE, but with something.  I will elaborate tomorrow... it will give me something to blog about!  *smiles*

I can't believe how fast today has gone... it started as a stinkin' hot day, and now?  Huge rain clouds gathering.  I hope we do get a big dump of rain, my lawn needs it. The only thing growing is weeks.  Funny how the grass dies, and the weed flourish in summer. 

End of Day:  right up until late this afternoon it was a really lovely day.  Then ... well... something happened and my day changed a bit.
Will spill on that tomorrow morning.
nite nite


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I've probably driven past that shop a billion times and didn't know it existed. I worked down the road! Are they open weekends? I'm weaning myself off spotlight. ..I've already got enough fabric to open my own branch. And I'm at home with a bug too.. no spews or pooz though thank goodness just awful achey joints. Hopefully it goes away quickly. Have a great day. Kate444

  2. Wow that is huge shop. Have an awesome day chick

  3. I have a toast rack like that. Well, I did, I think I put it out for the second hand shop when we moved. What a great store! The one I volunteered in many years ago was a very old, cramped little nook of a shop front that smelled of mothballs (blah). Much smaller than your lovely shop!

  4. Very tidy shop too I might add ! and huge too........... I am a screamer at rainbows end too! I discovered once when I took Samuel many moons ago.

  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Im shocked! You didn't buy that lovely blue and white vase in the pic of shop! haha WOMBAT

  6. Looks like a nice big shop!

    That is why I do not shop at Wal Mart unless I absolutely have to. People bring like 12 kids and they all walk like that and then they stack all their shit in the aisles to restock/sell. Drives me bananas!

  7. I had a run-in with a silly old girl at the shops today too. People have no patience these day and are happy to insult others who are just minding their business.... I feel ya pain!!! xxx

  8. Sounds like you hade some good road rage mum.....I cant wait to see the Ballerina next weekend.....

  9. Gee what a huge shop…I can see why you like it

  10. Not the damn sewing machine again?


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