Friday, January 24, 2014


I put the new sign on my 'bedroom' door last night, then thought... "Hmmm... it needs something else".
So I found something else :

ABOVE:  I already had the door knocker on me door, so just hung the sign below it.  Then I added the Bird Mug Rug.  I think it looks lovely. 

 ABOVE & BELOW:  Dante in his little car.  He loves it when Brylee pushes him around in it.  He can now put his feet up and just chill out.  So cute.

I laid the top part of the quilt out on me bed last night to get an idea of how it will look, bearing in mind this is where the pillows will go normally: 

ABOVE:  I have kept it very simple with only an outline of a 1/4 Dresden Plate.  Once it's got a blue outer edge (the binding) I am sure it will be lovely.  
I can't wait to add the side and end borders!

Right... time to get a move on.  There's a few jobs awaiting...


I just bathed the dogs.  Teddy was a good boy.
Coco?  Manic.  Kept trying to escape.  She nearly broke her leg trying to escape me toweling her dry... so I tied her up and put her in the 'naughty corner'.  
Now I'm off to have me shower, get dressed for the day and then possibly sew.

Photos later...

 ABOVE: whoops! Either I did it, or he did... Teddy has a small skin tag type growth on his eye and it got damaged in the drying process I think.  Tis bleeding.  But not bad enough for a Vet visit.
Next time we go to the Vet's I think I will enquire about getting it taken off, it's slowly growing and might cause problems further down the track.

ABOVE:  I found these two melamine trays yesterday at the Manurewa Hospice Shop.  Couldn't resist them.  

Now... I better get something out of the freezer for dinner, and then do some sewing.  Most of the morning is already gone and I feel like I've not done much.

Well, I've done a bit of sewing.  And I've had a spa  with the kids.  Dante and Bex had a spa too... only Dante wasn't that happy about it.
I'm sure he will warm up to spas eventually.
I've got it at 31 degrees, so it's tepid.  Really lovely on a sunny afternoon for sure.

Now I've got chicken cooking in the oven, which we will be having over rice and veges.  Should be yum.

Top border is on!  Yaaa, 1 down, three to go.

End of Day:  totally knackered now.  Sewing heavy quilts in this heat is well... hot work.  As if I'm not hot enough already.
I hope my new pills kick in reasonably fast.  The Doc said it will be a couple of weeks before I might notice a difference.  Fingers crossed it works.
nite nite


  1. I hope your new meds help with hot flashes!! Only think of all the calories you burn during each one, though. :)

  2. Love the new door and The top of the quilt ohh hopefully we will be seeing a finished quilt soon. Dante is growing so fast and is gorgeous as ever. Have a lovely AKLD anniversary weekend too.

  3. I love your quilting sign! Your quilts look a lot like the ones we had made for our daughter's. Hope things are going well for you.

  4. I am loving your quilt! Very envious at the time you have to do these projects! oneday I will be set up for it and make the time!

    i havent used the mug rugs for mugs at this stage but they are out on my hall table and lounge coffee table :) I like them too much to get coffee on them!!!


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