Thursday, November 07, 2013


I had my quarterly blood test yesterday.

Perhaps you don't know this, but I only have ONE vein in my right arm that they can get blood out of, none in my left arm at all.

So... as per usual, my blood was taken from that vein in my right arm.

And it was really weird, cos for the first time ever, after the blood test was over, my vein swelled up above the injection site.

And when  I was showing Stew last night, I pushed on the lump and OMGOSH,  it hurt like hell!

Really nasty hurt.  Has anyone ever had that happen to them?

It's bugging me now cos I'm not sure if it's OK for that to happen?

At least I didn't get a huge bruise like usual!

As for today.... if it's not wet... and that's still up in the air, we plan on going shopping.  Maybe only window shopping, but I just want to get out for the morning.

Botany maybe?  Or Sylvia Park.  We don't go there very often now.  I miss it.

I am sure Coco will cope admirably with her pups while we are out.  As long as she's got plenty of food she's happy.

She has cheered up after being so down the other day too.  I really don't know what was wrong with her, but I did think it might be because she did notice, and mourn Flint?  I've been giving her lots of loves and she is much happier now, which is a relief.


Yaaa, the lump is going down.  I was having visions of me having another blood clot to tell you the truth.  THAT was really scaring me.  I never want another one of those.

If we had a thunderstorm in the night, I missed it.  We have crap weather today, so Bex, Dante and I are going to a mall.

Ha Ha MARK:  yes, Word Verification is off... for now!  Amazingly, I've not had any spam comments yet too.    

Home again.  We had a lovely morning over at St Lukes Mall.  I got a couple of t-shirts for summer, so did Bex.  I also bought a pair of long black leggings... in a LARGE!  I took some XL's into the fitting room thinking they might even be too small, but Bex told me to take in the Large and hell's bell's... they fit!
Rather chuffed about that.

Dante had a play in the little kids activity area, but he wasn't that into it really.  He was hungry, so we fed him (and ourselves) then came home.

Coco and Teddy were happy to see us home again, though I think Coco just looks at me as the food source right now.  I'm feeding her 4 times a day at the moment, she's always starving!  I would be too if I was feeding 5 babies.  *smiles*

ABOVE: Dante at the mall this morning... he wasn't that sure about being in there.

ABOVE: taken just now... Dante in with the Puppies and Coco, he thought it was pretty neat being in there.  Coco didn't give a shit either!

I also took a little video, which I will post tomorrow.

WOO HOO... we finally have thunder and lightening!  Very wet today, I had planned on taking Coco and Teddy out for a short walk, but well... ain't gunna do that in the rain, that's for sure.

End of Day:  another awesome day.  Time to wrap it up, and head off to bed early.  Gotta get up and get going first thing tomorrow... have to leave town.
nite nite


  1. My veins all roll so you can't get a needle and collapse so you don't get any blood when you do get it in. Yes, I've had those lumps, they go away.

  2. Whooo Hoooo! Word verification off! LOVE IT!!!

  3. I as you know get bruised to hell, and even with the finest needles my veins are so deep that with a them tying my arm off they cant get a vein..... years ago in my serious serious car accident the shunt was in my foot ! hated it.

  4. Oh dear missing my puppy photo fix today. Yeah no word verification TG

  5. No thunder and lightening here in the Naki... but its coming... its very black and humid

  6. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Aww Dante has the cutest smile so adorable.


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