Thursday, November 21, 2013


I really don't think Bex or I have any plans for the day, except just staying home and potting around.

I shall no doubt do the housework, then sew or read or watch some telly.

So a quiet day!

I am proud to say I did really well with not eating anything 'naughty' yesterday, even though I was craving something sweet after dinner!
Steve made me a milo, so that was 'it' for the sweet thing for the day.
It's been so easy lately to fall into bad habits again... I never realised just how bad it had gotten.
Not until I said 'NO' to myself anyway.

I should be having a 'weigh in' in early December, but I have decided not to. 

I am going to do THE VERY BEST I CAN, and put in 110% effort, then weigh in on Christmas Day!
I will call that LOSS my Christmas Present to myself.

I will weigh myself today, write that number down and see how much I can lose by Christmas.


***Guess how much weight I lose by Christmas and YOU will get a little New Year's gift from me if you guess correctly.  Everyone is eligible to enter, but only ONCE... and you have until December 24th to get in your guess.

Your guess needs to be in kilos and grams, for example:  3.65 kilos.   You fulla's still working in Pounds/ounces will need to convert it into kilos/grams. ***

*** I shall post this on every post from now until Christmas Eve, so no one gets left out.***

I have no photos for today yet, but I do have these:

 ABOVE:  How cool are these pillowcases?  I want to make them.  But not yet, I do have a 'few' projects still waiting to be finished.

ABOVE:  what a brilliant idea!  I saw this on Facebook somewhere.  No doubt we can all relate to how annoying it is to line up holes.

Right, I'm off to do stuff...



  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Funny pillows.

  2. Great pillows. ooh my head is so full of sewing ideas... hoping to find some TIME to get some stuff done.


  3. Lorraine H2:28 PM

    I love the pillowcases.I saw a pair years ago with"I've got a headache" & "I've got a pill"written on them.

    My guess for your weight loss on Xmas day is 6.7kgs.

    Must add I was in the suppermarket today saw M&M Chocolate Peanuts 4 for $5 thought to myself do I, do I not.Then felt your boot up my you know where so I left them on the


  4. Hiya!... I'm gonna guess 5.42 kilos. Good luck - you can do it!!!

  5. I'm going for 3.8kg Chris. C'mon, you can do it!!

  6. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Try WW jelly for your sweet fix Chris. Its my after dinner yummy treat. Soothes the craving anyway. If I'm really bad I get those Milky Way chocolate bites at the supermarket. Used to be allowed 1 piece at WW but who cares. Sometimes you just NEED it ah! The puppies have grown so much. Coco is a brilliant mother alright. Gonna be sad when there's no puppies on your post anymore.

    Love all your sewing. Got a weekend of it coming up. Non stop haha Pity you're so far away. Kayjay

  7. do you still have your frogs?

  8. Awww, the puppies are so cute. They grow up so quickly! I like your idea about the xerox.

  9. I like the template idea!
    Happppy FRIDAY! (still Thursday here, sigh)

  10. Good luck on your goal, but I think you're gorgeous just the way your are!

  11. Oooohhh I forgot to comment today one say late not so bad. Photos piddle and pups what a mix. lol


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