Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I was asked a while ago about my STATS... like how many page views do I get per day, and if someone 'views' my blog a few times a day, does that count as 1 visit, or multiple visits?

Well... it goes like this:
In the green is the total number of times, that day,  my blog has been viewed.  

In the blue is how many individual people viewed my blog on that day.

So... on Friday I had 659 INDIVIDUAL people view my blog, and some of them visited more than ONCE, so in a nutshell... my blog was viewed 860 times that day, by 659 people.

I hope that has explained it?

Now I mentioned yesterday that I got mail.

I did indeed.
From a lovely girl down in Wellington (Shona M).  She was in Singapore recently and was still reading my blog.  Apparently I was having a crappy day, so she found a little gift to send to me.
How awesome and lovely is that?

She knows me pretty well obviously... see what she sent me: 

ABOVE:  I am blown away at the kindness of so many people in 'blog world'!  I can't even count how many times someone who has never met me, has sent me a gift!
Shona M... thank you so much.  ♥   and cyber (((HUGS))) too.  Those darling Anchor Ice Cubes will certainly be put to good use over summer keeping my Diet Coke cool.  *smiles*

 ABOVE:  next up... thank you Karen J down in Wellington for showing me this neat Button Tree idea.  It's stunning... I can feel yet another 'project' going onto the 'To Do' list!  I would probably use batik fabrics instead of paint for the backgrounds.  OOww me fingers are itching to give it a go...but I must wait.

Christmas presents come first.

Next up:

ABOVE:   Look at this one!  Thank You Glenys M in Australia for sending this picture to me.  I think that Button Heart is to die for... drop dead gorgeous... and ANOTHER one for the 'To Do' List!  It's got little bits of ♫ BLING ♫ among the buttons... ► DROOL ◄

ABOVE:  Dante listening to our son Mike down in Palmerston North the other night.  Baby was totally bemused, I think he thought Mike was inside the X Box, as Steve and Mike play 'together' in the evenings sometimes.

It was really cute.  Master Dante gives all of us so much enjoyment, he's such a little love.

ABOVE:  see his rosy cheeks?  Teething.  3 coming through right now.  He's got the snotty nose and grizzles too.  Giving his Mummy a hard time at night, poor Bex. 

So very glad we are at the extreme other end of the house from them... we never hear him in the night. 


I'm going to the Mall.  Banking/pay a bill/bla bla bla.
Then after lunch I'm on duty at the Hospice Shop.
So, should be a busy day.  


Back from the mall... a dangerous place to be right now!  SALES everywhere.  We succumbed to a couple.  I got two pair of leggings for summer and a pair of PINK JEANS for next winter... they were only $10.

Hopefully they will fit me next winter, they are a size 16... so they should.
I didn't even try them on, just saw the price and BOOM... bought 'em.

That's me.  Mrs IMPULSIVE.

Right, where the hell is everyone?  I know I've been the worst blogger in not visiting ya all... but life... it just keeps getting in the bloody way.

Tomorrow I have earmarked the entire afternoon to catching up with everyone... so hang in there!  ☻

TRACY: OMG I would NEVER say no to awesome buttons! As for Coco... I am pretty sure she's up the duff... she's been vomiting a bit and getting fatter!  I presume she is expecting... lol.

Hospice today.  Had a run in with a man who lost it because I put something in the 'wrong' plastic bag, then he proceeded to abuse the shit out of me.  I walked away... BUT HE WAS SPOILING FOR A FIGHT... and had another go at me when I tried to take his money... so I yelled out really loudly for Debs, and she came and sorted him out.

It wasn't nice.  I got the bloody shakes!  Why are some people so hell-bent on being nasty?

TREASURE:  yep I got some.  Will show you tomorrow as right now I'm eating something to raise me blood sugars... I'm having a low blood sugar moment, and it's making me feel sick and shaky.

End of Day:  dinner... then grocery shopping.  Tuesday night... NOT the night to go.  Lots of people doing their's too.

But, it's done now, and we didn't bust the budget for a change.
I'm off to bed early tonight, I'm rather tired.  My legs were telling me off for that walk yesterday!  I can feel me glutes!  
Hills will do that to ya glutes.  ☻
nite nite


  1. That tree pic is really cool!

  2. I love that button tree and button heart picture, what neat ideas see my button mural idea wasn't far off! lol Dante looks quite perplexed listening. Neat anchor ice cubes too.

  3. Love both of those button idea. Can't wait to see how you adapt them.

  4. I love the heart button pic, the tree is kinda cool too.

    I know what you mean about the sales, even I managed to buy myself some clothes (and a handbag, a wallet & a pair of sunglasses) last week. I almost never shop for me - I hate trying on clothes.

    I hope Dante's teething settles down soon.

  5. I love all the button art.....I could never do it but I love seeing it.
    Of course, the cutest is Dante with his bright pink cheeks.

  6. Your button collection is indeed drool-worthy! I particularly love the heart in the frame - can't wait to see your version of that xxxx

  7. Im here!!! just got in from work... got my daily fix on your antics.... want some more buttons chick??? I know someone who has some amazing ones that might just end up in your mailbox.
    how long till you know if Molly's mum is preggers????

  8. I am sorry that Hospice was a bit ruined by some cranky old nut bar. Looking forward to seeing your treasures.


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