Saturday, September 14, 2013


OK, this little video is really funny!  While trying to get Miss Muppet to walk on video, we managed to get the ' TWERK ' ... but unlike Miley, our wee girl kept her pants on!

ABOVE:  Keera doing the 'Twerk'.

Next up... a happy me, showing off my new scarf:
ABOVE:  I really wasn't too sure about the colour in the shop, but now I can see it's not that bad on me.  Who agrees?    Yes I could smile... but try smiling at NOTHING!  No one was around to make me smile.  

***Did anyone notice the new 'sign off/nite nite' picture last night?  Like it?


 ABOVE:  Griffin having a go at changing Dante's nappy.  He really didn't master it at all.  It didn't help that Dante had a crappy nappy!  


ABOVE:  our happy wee man doing his 'fish face' and a couple of other cute ones.
He has cut his third tooth (only just) on the top.  So maybe he won't be wishing for his 'two front teeth' for Christmas after all.  *smiles*


ABOVE:  Bex taught Brylee how to crochet... and she's slowly getting better at it. She's still practising the basic stitches.

TODAY:  we are all going over to Botany for a 'Family Morning Out'.  We haven't been out, all together, in a while, so it should be lovely.   We will be picking Lacy and Keera up too.

I wonder what fun we can get up too?  There is usually a craft market at Botany on Saturdays... I love markets!


9 am.  Sitting here, still in me PJ's.  Waiting for the men to get outta bed so we can go out and about.
Not sure about Botany now, it's quite a miserable day... wet and cold.  I'm now leaning towards Sylvia Park, at least everything is under one roof.

Hee hee, it's a bit like 'musical beds' in this house today.
Now Steve is up and Bex and Dante are back in bed!
Stew... well he still hasn't arisen at all.

So... I wait.  dumm dee dooooooo000

9.54 and STEW'S FINALLY UP!  YA.  Now I can sort out our day.

Mid afternoon and we are all home again.
We picked up the girls and took off for Sylvia Park for lunch... met up with Steve and Bex there too as planned.

After lunch... we went across the road to Guthrie Bowron to look at paint/paper for the spare bedroom.

I got a pot of Primer to cover the red wall... and next weekend, once it's totally dry I will sort out what colour(s) I want to re-do that wall in.

Right now I'm thinking blue and yellow stripes.  Could look nice.

End of Day: in all ... another lovely family day.  Tomorrow will be even nicer as Kelly and Rena are coming up too.
The All Blacks Vs South Africa tonight... our guys won... no surprises there!  Stew went to bed happy.  *smiles*
nite nite


  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    How precious those first few steps. Bring back beautiful memories of my own kids. Have a great day together. Kj

  2. Love keera'ss twerkn!!! Have a good time with the family at botany on such a yuck day.

  3. Keera has great timing and moves! Such a cutie-pie and I always love Dante's fish face. That colour (scarf) looks beautiful on you. And I give Brylee credit for learning crochet! I used to love doing it at about the same age and now just don't have it in me anymore! :)

  4. I love Brylee's focus on her crocheting.....and of course the video of Keera and the pics of Dante are precious. I hope you get up to some fun today.

  5. Keera she is gonna be off like a shot soon, such a cute wee video, Mr fish Face is very cute, love the concentration of Griffin and Brylee both doing their tasks. I love the scarf a very pretty colour.

  6. Lovely photos of Brylee. She is growing into a beautiful looking young lady.

  7. 2 weeks ago my son painted my kitchen . I wanted 1 wall blue , 1wall pale geen , I wall and a part wall pale yellow . It was previously all white . It looks good
    Lovely pics,.

  8. Hi... again. My name is Brenda. I'm new to your site. I found you on my friend's site. Please forgive my ignorance. What is a "twerk?" Is that babies first steps? My grandson just started walking a couple of weeks ago, so I know the fun! Beautiful family and it's nice to hear about what's going on on the other side of the world. Have a beautiful day. (I'm in the U.S.)

  9. Great pics, love the last sign off pic :)


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