Sunday, September 08, 2013


I've been thinking long and hard about my ONWARD FOR LIFE PLAN.
It has been working really well.

Yes, I have gained a couple of kilos in the last couple of months. .... but... that is not so bad.

I have kept the majority off... and consolidated that loss.

Even if I lose no more for this year... as long as I can keep what I've lost as a LOSS... I will be darn happy.

That is not to say I will stop trying to lose more, cos I'm bloody sure I will lose more.

But I'm rapt that I have maintained a good loss so far.  I have not gained any more since I pulled my head back into the right space.

So... 23 kilos so far this year.  NOT BAD if ya ask me.

I'm not after rapid weight loss.  I'm after a healthy mind and body, and getting my level of fitness up.

That's the beauty of my ONWARD FOR LIFE PLAN.  It's my PLAN... and it is working for ME.

Today?  A sleep in would be nice... though I did get one yesterday, so maybe I try and sneak out of our bedroom so Stew can get a sleep in?
We will see.

As for the rest of the day?  Dunno yet.  There's some washing to hang out on the racks under the patio... a loaf of bread to bake for tomorrow's lunches.  All the usual stuff.


It's turned out to be a pleasant day.  A day to do a few jobs around the garden for Stew...

 ABOVE:  he's trying to get all of that old palm out... so we can plant some succulents in that garden.  It's a big job, but I'm sure he can do it!

We've had several men knock on our door over the past few months asking if we wanted them to get it out for us... and of course pay many $$$'s too.   We always said No.

ABOVE:  Resident cutie in his Grandma's computer chair.  Steve has looked after him all morning while Bex had a sleep in.

Lunchtime.  Not sure what's on the menu.  
I've just cooked two weeks worth of dog food, so that's a good job done.

ABOVE:  all done... doesn't it look lovely!  Thanks Darling.

End of Day:  ha ha, I forgot to do it.  Was a lovely day.
nite nite


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    23 kilos so far this year is awesome. Nothing to be scoffed at and you should be damn proud of yourself. Doing it your way, cutting down on your every day foods... no fads, no eliminations... the way it should be.

    Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Always ONWARD and FOREWARD! ♥♥♥

  3. ts on your program. It's clearly working for you. High five.
    xo jj

  4. I think it is awesome on 23 kilos lost!! I think taking it slow is the way to go - I seriously wish I had done that but have slowed down a lot now.

  5. No doubt with longer days and warmer weather more exercise oh and shifting furniture and boxes that counts right? Did Stew and Steve enjoy the rugby? The atmosphere electric.....

  6. I love your planter! GREAT JOB on the weight loss. You are amazing!! :)

  7. 23 kilos is brilliant. You should be incredibly proud of yourself.

    The garden looks great.

  8. 23kgs is a great result. Love the front garden bed.

  9. How do you make the dogfood? My dog Buddy is refusing to eat anything from the store including canned.

  10. You have done great with your Onward For Life plan and you definitely sound like your head is still in the right place. Kudos to you.
    I love the decor in your garden bed.

  11. WTG you are doing awesome!!

    The plants look really nice!

  12. Wonderful job on losing 23Kg. Keep up the good work.


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