Saturday, July 13, 2013


Even though our house is buzzing with people/kids, Stew and I slept in.
Being in the garage sure has it's advantages.
Stew is still sleeping right now!

I only got up cos I needed a piddle.

Then I kinda thought... whoops, ain't done the morning post.
So here I am.

Today we are having a little Birthday lunch for Keera.  Just the family and a friend of Lacy's as far as I know.
Bex and Lacy still have to bake the cake!
Talking of Lacy, Kelly's just gone over to get her.
I asked Lacy to take a photo of the dogs snuggling with me last night.  Why?
Cos they almost NEVER DO!  It's always Stew's lap they lie on all night.  Could it be the electric cuddly blanket?  I'm thinking YES.  *smiles*

Right, I'm off to get dressed, put some face on, bla bla bla.


I saw how to make Chocolate Butterfies on Pinterest, so had a go today:

WOW, that was such fun... I'm going to put them on top of the muffins and cake.

Right now though, I have to make scones for lunch.

BEE: thank you.
BLONDIE:  $40 from KMart.  Worth every single cent. Icing sugar in fridge?:  ANTS.

Guess what's for dinner?

We had lovely cheese scones with jam and whipped cream for lunch!
I only had ONE scone.  Go me.

Keera got to open one of her presents before her midday nap:

Steve and Bex bought Keera a Barbie doll.  Lacy LOATHES Barbies.  Trust them to get Keera one.
Lacy tried to throw it out the window, but Steve got it back and gave it to Keera.

KAREN:  no I didn't learn from a book or anything, I just saw a picture on Pinterest and gave it a go:

Mine were nowhere near as good as these, but still effective.  If I can do them, anyone can!

End of Day:  a bloody neat day.  Lots of family fun.
Lots of photos for tomorrow too!
nite nite


  1. Hppy Birthday to Keera.

    What a lovely day for a birthday party.


  2. Your eyes are mesmerizing! I concur that they are very beautiful...and I love them too!

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    wow chris you're look so good! gorgeous pic. Bee

  4. Birthday party yay! ya know the more I look at that blanket the more I'm thinking I may have to invest in one!!! Tis rather cold here today and the rain is making one feel WAY colder and my non electric blanket gloves and hat just AREN'T cutting it today!

  5. oh bugger we don't have a kmart!!! should have got one while I was there in AKLD duh hmmmmmmmmmm another question why is your icing sugar in the fridge? Nice butterflies too btw

  6. You are an artist at everything you try....and yes, go you!

  7. Love the butterflies that you created! And I agree with Jeanie - you are an artist at everything you put your hand to! So, so talented! Did you have a book or something to learn from?
    Hope Keera has a lovely birthday party - LOL at Steve and Bex getting her a barbie knowing that Lacy hates them! I managed to avoid them for about 3 years before Rachel got one!

  8. Oh my God ... LOVE the butterflies! I doubt mine would come out so well if I attempted them :(

    Aww ... poor Barbie getting biffed out the window.

  9. I hate Barbie too ;)

  10. Those butterflies are cool but I'd be eating them ALL lol


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