Sunday, July 07, 2013


Lacy curled me hair yesterday.... and I did hers too:

While the curls do drop a bit after a day or so, you still end up with lovely wavy hair.  

Today?  Not sure yet, though we do still have to do the blasted grocery shopping.

I think Steve and Bex are out for the whole day too.  

IT'S WEIGH IN DAY.  I have now been on my 'ONWARD FOR LIFE' Plan for exactly 150 days.
And today's weigh in will take place mid-afternoon, that's when I weigh myself.  Being CONSISTENT.

ME:  because I 'hold onto' fluid... I weigh in AFTER I've had a chance to piddle a few times!  

It's now 12.15 pm, we have just put all the groceries away... then it's time for some lunch.

I will weigh in before we go out for a walk.  We are going to walk down on the waterfront (CITY side)... and I'm really looking forward to that.  It's such a lovely day out there. 


JULY 2013


JULY 2013

Next update today... will be the weigh in result for the past 30 days:  And the result is... I lost 3 kgs exactly in the last 30 days.
Happy enough with that, small amounts every month now is fine, cos at that rate I shall be EXACTLY where I want to be by Christmas.

We are off for our walk now...

AND TODAY I LEARNT.... that walking along the waterfront with your hair out means hair in ya face, hair stuck to ya lipstick and just hair bloody everywhere ! ... and I won't be doing that again.  I nicked Brylee's hairband about half way along the walk to keep me hair under control.
That worked.

The breeze was wonderful... but it still got very hot with the sun on our faces.

It was an excellent walk.  The distance was 4.39 kms... and we did it in 50 minutes, so about 4 kms an hour.  Not really fast, but a good pace.

KAREN:  total loss so far is :

24.4 kilograms
53.6 pounds

Nowhere near as much as you ... but I'm still happy.

End of Day:  just a glorious mid-winter day.
Steve and Bex arrived home just before dinner... we had Butter Chicken.  'Twas rather yum.
nite nite


  1. Your hair looks beautiful Chris. I love Bex mug rug. Gorgeous painting. Can't wait to see this months results. You look amazing.

  2. Great mug rug Bex! That looks very professional!

    Have a super day - will check in later. Good luck (although you don't need good luck!)


  3. Both yours and Lacy's hair look fabulous! You should do that more often! I really do think it makes you look younger :)
    Bex's mug rug is great! She could almost start a wee business making and selling them on either TM or on a crafty FB page... In fact you both could do that as you are so great :)
    Can't wait to check in later to see how you get on with your weigh in! Wow 150 days! You are doing so well!

  4. Love your hair !!
    Very interested to know why you weigh in mid-afternoon and not first thing in the morning ?
    Good luck - although when you work for something you don't need luck anyway !!!
    Have the best day !

  5. SORRY Tracy, rejected your comment by mistake!

    Tracy has left a new comment on your post "CURLY TARTS AND WEIGH IN":

    Love love live the hair.

  6. The pics really tell the story of how well you have done. You have to feel really good about yourself and even more motivated for "Onward for Life."

  7. Excellent work! You are a legend... and all from cutting back a bit but still enjoying everyday food. Go you!

    And they said it couldn't be done - living proof you are!!


  8. You look so good,your hair is beautiful!

  9. Well one Chris - the photos are great!

  10. If you hadn't posted that pic from Dec. I wouldn't have seen these BIG CHANGES happening. They do happen slowly, day by day, and you are doing so well. :)

  11. Love the hair, and the mug rug...and the loss! Slow and steady is the weigh to go (weigh?! Ahahaha!)

    Had no power for days, no phone, nor Internet. Driving me nuts! Thank goodness for Geni the generator, or there'd be no air conditioning, and it's bloody BOILING here! I told the children it was hot enough to fry and egg outside. They laughed at me, so I broke an egg onto the pool deck, and sure enough, it sizzled and cooked! Was tempted to chuck some bacon down by the side, but didn't much fancy a bear coming to lick up the grease!

    Hope you are good and proud of yourself, Chris, cause you should be!

  12. Well done Chris, you're doing it exactly the best way for you, slow and steady.. nicely done..

    plus pics of you and Lacy look fantastic, love the hair


  13. You look gorgeous today. Your hair, your skin, everything!


  14. Great loss, well done! It's exactly on target: .5 - 1kg per week is what all the "experts" say xxx

  15. Well done on your loss Chris! Fabulous work and the effort is really showing now! Can I ask how much in total that you have lost now in your 150 days? Keep up the great work Chris!!!

  16. Another great month, well done.

  17. Wow! 24.4 kilos is fabulous! And between you and me, I think I would prefer your way rather than my strict menu! LOL I am struggling these days. Keep up the great work my friend!d

  18. Leanne8:23 PM

    Another awesome result :) you are looking great

  19. I left a comment before but it got lost :) I said how well you are doing and what an amazing transformation already. I'm so happy for you and it is obvious you are happier too.

  20. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Wow wat an awesome result so very proud of you mum . Love Kelly and Rena.

  21. Fantastic effort, you rock!!!

  22. Well the loss was there for all to see you are looking great and MY son thinks you rock HE was like ohhh those blue eyes when I showed him some of your other blue eyes in the family he was impressed! Lovely to catch up we didnt eat too much but had Wendys, Wendys iceream Dunkin Donuts and Kiwiyo it was all nice and a super treat for us we did about 6 hours walking every day MY little legs are walked out drove 1100kms in 4 days!!!!! to be able to walk around everywhere Botany huge St Lukes BUSY/ yuck! Pnehungs great shopping Sylvia park wow, Manukau yay my favourite! Miss living in AKLD so much!!!!

  23. LOVE the hair...yours and Lacy's...really suits you both.

    And well done on another good month weigh in, the progress pics really show your transformation.

  24. Wow excellent work!

  25. Oh my gosh I'm so proud of you!! You are doing awesome! Love your hair like that so pretty!

    Bex should do a few of those and put them on Etsy, very talented!

  26. Brilliant... 150 days is great and the results prove it.

    You are looking wonderful.... sure you didn;t photo shop... *smiles*


  27. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Well done Chris - the photo's say it all!! Looking fab!!! love the curls :0)

  28. Wow Chris, your comparison photos are amazing. You look so different. Well done. You should be very proud of yourself. 24 kgs is huge :)


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