Saturday, April 20, 2013


I tried making a cake from a recipe posted by a lovely friend in America last night.
It looked lovely in the picture... well let me tell you, it was BLOODY AMAZING to eat!
It was SO RICH we could only eat one piece though!   
AND I did not put TWO WHOLE TINS of Highlander Condensed Milk like the recipe called for... I only used one tin and it was still amazing.

So, I'll show you how mine came out, then the recipe...

ABOVE:  I made the mistake of not taking the cooked cake out of the silicone baking dish before adding the other ingredients, other than that it was perfect.  Not taking it out earlier just made it a bit difficult to get it out, so I had to cut it in the dish... carefully.

ABOVE:  easily one of the most evil cakes I've made!  
The recipe called for a 'yellow' cake mix, so I bought Edmonds Buttercake. 

The Recipe:

Pina Colada Cake


1 yellow cake mix
1 LARGE can crushed pineapple, drained
2-14 oz. cans sweetened condensed milk (I only used ONE, it was quite enough too)
8 oz. Whipped Topping (whipped cream)
2/3 cup coconut


Prepare cake mix as directed on the back of package.

Mix 1/2 can of pineapple into batter.

Bake according to package directions.

With a fork, poke holes in warm cake at 1-inch intervals. (get it out of the baking pan first!)

Pour sweetened condensed milk evenly over cake.

Allow cake to cool.

Spread whipped topping over the cake. Sprinkle with remaining pineapple and coconut.


THIS CAKE IS Amazingly sweet.  I think it's one of those cakes you have once in a blue moon... or one you take to a party and just stand back and watch everyone go WOW over it!  *smiles*

Thank You Laura for putting it on your Facebook   page.  

One 'mission' today is to price new kitchen cupboard handles.  The ones that are there are driving me batty.  I mean, seriously batty.
Every time I work in the kitchen some part of my clothes get caught on a handle and I am pulled up real fast.  AND my clothes are getting ruined.

I will show you what I mean:

 ABOVE:  A clearly 'staged' photo, but believe me, it happens ALL THE TIME.  And it has ripped quite a few of my tops and Bex's jeans.

 ABOVE:  The only reason I have not replaced them YET is because I keep forgetting to price new ones when we go out.  The existing handles are quite expensive... so I can sell them on Trade Me, which will (I hope) help cover the cost of the new ones.

Jelly.  I thought I had some the other day, as I wanted to make some Weight Watchers Jelly, but I couldn't find any, so went and bought more.

ABOVE: Last night Bex found these right back in the cupboard.  Yikes.  I have quite a few now!

ABOVE:  Does Jelly go 'off'???  Because some of these are a few years old, as there are three different 'looks' on the packets!

I just had a phone call from one of my BFF, Sandra down in Palmerston North.  She is doing a road trip next Saturday and we are going to meet up for lunch with her and Neil edit: I got it wrong, Neil is NOT coming up with her, two of my other BFF, Chris and Anne are coming with her!    OMG I am even more excited now.

We can also visit my brothers and Dad at the Tokoroa cemetery, and hopefully see Amanda, Andrew and their kids on our way home.   

*squeals* I can't wait!

HANDLES:  Well, we went down to Mitre 10 and found some handles that we both liked, so I went up to the Information counter to find out if they had 31 of them.  They cost $5.88 each, so we were going to be out of pocket by $150.00.

While I was waiting for her to find out, Stew was rummaging in a SALE BIN.
I joined him to tell him we could go to Onehunga to get the handles.  
He said "What is wrong with these?"  
The bin was full of cupboard handles!!!
And they were on sale.  A bag of 3 for $3.00.
They were just as nice as the ones we WERE going to buy!

Needless to say, we bought the cheap, ON SALE ones!  Even better, once we were at the Checkout, they turned out to be $1.95 for a pack of 3!!!

I just saved us $128.00.

I wish I had known I could get handles that cheap!  I would not have put up with the HANDLES FROM HELL for almost 5 years if I'd known.

There will be a photo of the new handles ON the cupboards just as soon as Stew gets them on.

We have thunder and lightening.... and it's gone very dark.  Ohhhh I love storms.


ABOVE:  The old.

ABOVE: The new.

End of Day:  thrilled to bits to finally get rid of those blasted handles!  Stew cooked tonight, we had lamb chops with mint and onion gravy and veges.  Yummy.
nite nite


  1. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  2. Nice, I am going to make a Gooseberry and creme fraiche tart today ...or tomorrow...Dont like gooseberries but was given heaps.

    Good luck with the handles, it will look like youve had a kitchen makeover!

    Have a great weekend x

  3. Have a great catch up with the gals next weeken. Give Anne a hug from me

  4. Have fun choosing your handles, its not much fun getting "snagged" is it !!

    Ohhh awesome news...a bff catchup!!

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Hasnt the jelly got use by dates on them? Going to try that cake! WOMBAT

  6. Morning miss cruel person Chris lol u made me happy then sad all within 5 mins

    By the way that cake looked delicious

    Anne (the correct one lol)

  7. That cake looks evil Chris :). Good score on the handles !!!!
    Glad you will have a catch up with your friends and amanda & co next week.I cant seem to comment from my ipad but im still here :)

  8. Oh I can't wait it seems like forever since we were together. Don't forget La La :$

  9. The cupboard handles are perfect. I need to replace mine, they seem identical to your original ones but I haven't yet found any that exactly match the original fitting holes.
    I will keep looking. As for that cake, well what can a struggling type 2 diabetic thank you I guess it should be!!

  10. The cake looks good for breakfast! (It's breakfast time on Saturday here)
    Glad you got new handles. Did you ever see the picture of the little boy who has his belt loop?

  11. That cake looks fab!! And love the new handles!! What a great bargin you got - gotta love bargin bins!

  12. Funny how something simple like handles can make things so stressful! Glad you got them changed up!


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