Thursday, March 21, 2013


Dante sleeps in a sleeping bag type thingee... it was Keera's, but she hated it.   Dante loves it.
Anyway... last night.  He had a right go at sucking his hand through the suit, Bex got him up to change him and Stew had a chance to talk to him:

ABOVE:  doesn't he just melt ya heart?  Well.. he melts ours.  Stew and I had a little cluck session with him down in our bedroom before dinner.... we both think he has made our lives so much happier, as have our other grandkids... well the ones we can see anyway.  

Today is the 25th Anniversary of Stew's Mum's passing. 

ABOVE:  Grandma H holding Steve @ 3 weeks old.  She was in Auckland Hospital fighting cancer.  She died when Steve was only 11 months old.  It is sad as she was the most loving person and would have adored ALL the grandkids/great-grandkids so much.  

It makes me sad just thinking about not being in the lives of quite a few of our grandkids too.
But... moving on... trying to just let things be... and hoping one day things will get better.

No matter what I say or do... it won't be right by some.  So catch 22.   

Today?   First thing... picking up Lacy and Keera and getting on a train for the city.
We have a meeting with a lawyer ... once that is done... home to check on how Bex and Dante's morning has gone.


Well our trip into town took way longer than we expected.  Why?
Because when it came to signing our Affidavits in front of another lawyer (not Lacy's)... all the other lawyers in that practise had worked with Wade before, so there was a conflict of interest.  So... we had to walk down the road to another lawyers office to get them signed.
We were in town over an hour longer than expected.

It was a hot day too... so it was nice to sit at the train station and chill while waiting for our train home.  
There were cute little gecko's running around on the other side of the train tracks, so me... being a shutter bug... had to take a photo or two...

ABOVE: How cute is he?  Amazing colours, I've only ever seen green or brown gecko's before.  They were running up and down the concrete edge catching flies I think.  Geckos are not very big at all, so I was lucky to get the photos.

ABOVE:  here comes our train.  30 odd minutes later... got into Manurewa and then drove home.  

Home.  Sat down to check e-mails.  FUCK.  OVER 270 SPAM COMMENTS.  And I can't even trace them as they don't show up on my Stats at all.  Grrrr.
I had to go and check every single one so I didn't inadvertantly delete a genuine comment! And WHOOPS I did... so sorry PINKY!

Finally up to date.... and now it's almost time to sort out dinner!  Where the hell did my day go?

BEST thing about today?   I resisted the urge to get a Movenpik ice cream down in Newmarket!  I walked past the shop... looked in... thought OMG that would be so nice!... and carried on walking.  I had a small helping of sushi instead.

I just took some awesome photos of our Miss Muppet!  I will show you a couple now, and some more tomorrow.

ABOVE:  Lacy pushed all of Keera's hair forward... she looks so different!  But still stunning.  She reminds me of a little doll.

ABOVE:  these two have an amazing bond with each other.  So lovely to see.

I am such a twit!  Today is NOT the anniversary of Stew's Mum's passing, it's on the 29th!
TODAY is the anniversary of my younger brother's death.  Vern has been gone for 14 years today.  
He was only 36 when he died in a car crash.
My older brother died when he was 27, in a car crash too. 
I still feel sad quite often over their loss... two huge parts of my life ... gone.

But. Life goes on... and we make the best of it.  Cos you never know what could happen tomorrow.  I used to say "You could get run over by a bus tomorrow!"   but in light of the bus crash a couple of weeks ago... I don't think I will ever say that again.  Just too close to home now.

End of Day:  A busy day, but fruitful.  Hopefully when we go to court in relation to Keera in a few months time it will go smoothly.
nite nite.


  1. What a delightful smile Dante has. You are so lucky to have him in your lives.

  2. Sending hugs to you today Chris. xx

  3. Ohhhhh Dante is just so adorable and that smile a 4 degree start for us today NOIIIICCCE! NOT.

  4. So adorable. Your family makes gorgeous babies! Personal question - I thought Stu was stepdad to the older kids but he is Steve's bio dad? He is such a good granddad. His love for all the babies is beautiful!

  5. The picture of Steve @ 3 weeks looks like Dante!!!!

  6. Lorraine9:38 AM

    OMG I have just seen Dante's Twin.The photo of Steve with his Grandma.

    Hope everything goes well for Lacy with the Lawyer today.

    Southgirl xx

  7. Looks like Dante is talking to Stew and not vice versa!

  8. WOW Dante does look like Steve as a baby.

    I know no matter how much time passes, you will always miss Stew's Mum. She sounds like such a gem.

  9. I agree Dante is just gorgeous!! Enjoy your day out, beautiful day for it :)

  10. That Dante has an adorable face. So expressive.

  11. Love the photos of Dante and Stew - so so cute!
    Love the photo of Steve as well with his grandmother - wonderful momentos for wonderful memories!

  12. ALL the lawyers had dealt with Wade before - good grief he certainly gets around.

    Well done on resisting the Movenpick, I did exactly the same thing on the weekend, I was so tempted but ended up going home & having something nice & healthy instead - haven't we come a long way!!!!!

  13. Might be time to put word verification on - I know it is a pain to comment but it stops the spamming which is so annoying... especially 250!!! Unreal.

  14. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Yo muppet lol

  15. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Omg my son is sooooo cute :) well done with the temptation test xx bexs

  16. Anonymous4:12 PM


  17. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Haha in your face lol

  18. No - sometimes you just need word verification, I needed it the other week. Yes Dante is gorgeous and look at that photo of Steve with Stew's mother - he looks just like Dante!! Good on you for resisting the icecream :)

  19. Hi Chris - Keera is one of the most gorgeous kids I have ever seen! She has such a happy and expressive face. I love seeing how her face just lights up when she sees someone she recognizes. That picture of her and Lacey is just gold! Karen xo

  20. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Oh thank you Karen for your very lovely message about Keera and how much of a gorgeous baby she is, and yes that picture is golden xoxo.
    Thank you Mum for today, even with the bit of a muck around this morning. Keera and I still liked our morning hanging with Grandma, the rest of the day was just a bonus thank you.....and for dinner xoxox.
    Love Lacy and Keera xoxo ps Keera sends kisses to her Grandad to xo

  21. OMG! Love the photo of Lacy and Keera! It is priceless and should be framed!! Keera is such a beautiful baby with a gorgeous smile!!!
    Dante is growing up! Those photos of him chatting to to Stew are gorgeous too! I love seeing all the photos of your family!

  22. Lorraine7:54 PM

    I love Keera's hair pushed forward it suits her porcelin face.She certainly looks like a little doll.

    Southgirl xx

  23. Hi Chris - sorry to annoy you again today. I work with children for best part of 15 years and I don't think I have EVER seen a more gorgeous child than Keera. Clearly has her Grandma's good looks! Her facial expressions are just stunning. I was wondering whether Lacey has thought about Keera doing child modeling? I know this can be a controversial topic but shey is just so appealing. I would love to hear your thoughts! Karen xo

  24. Both babies are sweet. Hopefully you get the legal stuff sorted out once and for all. Darn spammers!

  25. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Sorry to hear of the annversary of you brother Vern dying must of been hard time and still would be hard if he had left children behind because he would not have got to watch them grow up and do the things you get to do by watching children go up and have children etc
    That makes it sad if he has left children behind.
    Chin up and think of the times you had together and keep up ya hard work with the weight loss.
    Kai Pai on that one

  26. Sounds like you were feeling a bit down the other day, hope you have a great day today!


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