Thursday, March 14, 2013


So, usually on a Thursday I take Keera to see her father.
Ain't gunna happen today.

Keera has been unwell for a couple of days with a tummy bug ... she has gone off her food and has diarrhea... and a really sore bum.

So, instead of the visit I am taking her to the Doctor.
There may be nothing the Doctor can do except prescribe some good cream for her bottom and leave the bug to run it's course.

As we have to renege on her access visit, it's best to get a medical certificate to verify she is unwell.

I hope she's well by tomorrow night, as it's Bex's Birthday and I was planning a family dinner.

As I don't have to spend a good 5 hours of my day taking Keera to her father's, I am going to sew instead.
I have one more bag to get done.

THEN I'm going to have some fun making silly little things like this:

ABOVE:  Bex has already made one of the 'Heart Chooks'.  She has been using my 2nd sewing Machine while I've been making the bags with my Husqvarna.
I would like to make a little drawstring bag similar to the one above, to cover this:

ABOVE: My HAPPY JAR.  Every time I have a good day, and feel happy about any aspect of it... I write a little note about it and put it in me Happy Jar with a coin or note.  
On especially happy days I put in more... like on DAY 30 when I found out I'd lost 8 kilos.  That was a $10 day!  *smiles*

I am going to really enjoy reading all my notes at the end of the year, and counting up me money... which will be spent on ME.  Probably a new item of clothing for summer.  

I am really hoping today is a little cooler than the past few days.  The heat is making me feel ill now.  Don't know what has happened to Autumn? 


Someone asked me for a photo of when I had lost the 61 kilos, so I will...

ABOVE: this is me and the surgeon who did my operation.  I was 67 kilos here.

ABOVE: In this one I had gained about 10 kilos.  It's not the best photo, but I didn't get that many taken way back then.
I still have that dress!  

My new plan is not necessarily to get back to THAT weight by the way.  It is to simply be a 'normal' size and be healthy again.

Change of plans for the day... sorta.
I'm not taking Keera to the Doctor, Lacy is going to catch a bus instead.
That way I'm not exposed to the bug, because we simply don't want Dante to get it too.
Our home is a NO GO area for Lacy, Keera, Kelly and Rena for the next few days.

Why Kelly and Rena too?  Because Kelly is coming up to stay with Lacy and Keera for the weekend.  And yes, she knows Rena could easily catch Keera's tummy bug... but she's coming up anyway.

Not the choice I would have made but then, it's not my kid, but I do hope Rena does not catch it.

I'm in me element... sewing today.  Love it... and now back to it!

PINKY:  Dante was a little angel for me yesterday. I even got him to sleep with no trouble whatsoever. He loves his Grandma ♥♥♥

ABOVE:  Today's effort.  Must email the lady who ordered it now.

ABOVE:  today's lunch.  Carrot salad, some Brie cheese and a boiled egg.  It was delicious. 

Time to have a break ... and wash me floors.  ha ha... 

LORRAINE: That is very nice of you to say so!  

Have you noticed that photos of me are only from the shoulder up?  There is a good reason!
My body ain't anything like those two photos above.  Let me assure you, it ain't pretty!

And that is half the reason why I'm on my new 'Plan'... to get back to a more acceptable size,  where I feel confident getting my photo taken from THE FEET UP!!!

I know a larger me is just as 'NICE' as a smaller me, but if I'm not happy with what I see in the mirror, it impacts on other aspects of my life. 
I am going to be a much happier person when I'm a size I'm happy with.

End of Day:  I've had a lovely day.  Sewing always makes me happy.  But OMG I can't wait for winter, it is soooo hot in my garage.  I had sweat dripping off my ELBOWS tonight!  Crazy.
nite nite


  1. I like your happy jar. When you're happy you put money in..... but what's the rule for taking it out?
    I hope Keera feels better soon.

  2. YourHappy Jaris a great idea andthe little bag is sweet.

    I edit my photos in picasa Mostly I only crop or straighten but when I have a heap I can make up a collage. I have to learn to do this all over again each time I do it and I have to remember to file the finished collage to my hard drive or I seem to lose them. It's a great way when the main subject is the same but there are just too many photos to publish in a single post In some programmes you can enlarge individual photos with a click. I haven't worked that one out yet.

    Hope that helps. Hope wee Keera is better asap but a least you get out of the drag across town.


  3. I love the idea of the jar! Looking at that second photo perhaps around 80 kilos will be great for you if you were around 77 in that? Whatever, it will feel GREAT!

    Feeling normal is rather odd and it has taken my brain awhile to catch on. I love walking into a shop and knowing I can fit the size 12s so a shop assistant won't be looking at me like "what's she doing in here"!!

    As you say though it is about being healthy and when that is the focus (as it was for me) magic can happen!!

  4. The happy jar is awesome!! Love it! And I'm doing the same with my weight, just getting down to a 'normal' size (haha whatever NORMAL is) but not going super skinny this time, just too hard for me to maintain.

    P.S. Loving the positive vibe of your blog at the moment ... it's contagious ;)

  5. Looking good Chris - Being healthy and happy is all we want from life!
    I am sure you will achieve it!
    Hope Keera is feeling better soon and all went well for Bex.
    How was Dante for you yesterday?

  6. Why I even thought he would be anything but is a mystery! (LOL)
    He does love his Grandma and LALA!!!

  7. Oh there is a nasty tummy bug down our way too, that jar is a good idea and love the jar cover.

  8. Anonymous11:31 AM

    God you look like a different person. (sorry Pope Francis)
    Well done on running to plan
    Hope Keera gets better soon
    Mary H

  9. For goodness sake, what did I say?

    Anonymous Veronica Page said...

    Lynda on her soap box AGAIN!
    Veronica Page, US

    Can I not be nice even? How was wishing Chris well me being on my soapbox. Veronica, what did I ever do to upset you?

  10. Just came up from the garage (been sewing) and yes I have to agree Lynda. You were not on any soap box today!
    I am going to delete that comment in just a mo.

  11. Hi Chris. Thanks for posting the photos. You are just stunning! Karen ox

  12. I'm about 150 (had to look up kilos haha) so almost the same. I can't seem to budge more than up and down a few pounds. I'm thinking maybe this is just a good weight for me :) (or maybe I should be more strict with myself but that kind of sucks..)

    Today at lunch people were talking about hot flashes, are you doing better with those now?

  13. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Keera has a tommy bug witch is giving her the 'runs' and a wee bit of nappy rash and shes not to keen on her food but is not throwin up witch is good, but the doctor has said that im doing every thing right to make her better...... Love Lacy & Keera

  14. How great thou art

  15. Lorraine4:13 PM

    Glad to hear Lacy that it is nothing serious with Keera.We all know you would do the right thing for her.You're a good Mum and you know it.

    Chris you look just as beautiful today as when those photo's were taken of you before.

    Southgirl xx

  16. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Oh thanks for that Lorraine xoxo Lacy & Keera :)

  17. Oh my goodness< the wreath with the heart roosters on it is so cute. I collect roosters, my kitchen and dining room are done in them. I'd die for one of those. How much would you charge for one?

    I hope Keera is feeling better and no one else gets it.

    I wish I had your strength on the weight loss. Excellant Chris, I am proud of you!!

    God Bless~

  18. I am glad Keera has nothing serious. It is always a worry when babies are sick. Lacy you are doing a great job.

    Chris, your lunch looks yummy. I love the idea with the happy jar, I think I might steal that idea :-)

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