Thursday, February 14, 2013


Steve and Bex took a couple of cute videos of Dante last night and I'm gunna share them:

ABOVE:  two darling wee videos of Dante, he is just starting to 'talk'... so, so cute.  He has got to be the most spoilt rotten... I mean LOVED baby ever!  

ABOVE:  lovely photo of Dante and his parents.

Today:  well it's one of those Thursdays where I take Keera over to west Auckland to visit with her father.  So this will be 'it' from me until I get back home, which will be mid afternoon.

Fingers crossed we hear from the Building Company today about when they will be starting work on our house.  


Today's access visit went well.. though I did hear a few things that got me all hot and bothered.  SO OVER dealing with shit that should have NOTHING to do with me.

*sigh*... anyway... I'm home now and looking forward to a stress free few days.

DAY 7:  and I'm still feeling awesome.  Starting to actually FEEL hungry, which is a novelty... lol.

I am going to make some sushi now for dinner.  Yaaaa.

Scrap the sushi!  I'm doing Australian rump steak and bubble 'n' squeak rissoles. 

Been down in the garage, still trying to sort stuff out down there, but I think it's getting there.  I can sit down and sew soon, without wondering where everything is.

Still crabby that I didn't find my big blue quilt.  Just means I have to work on stuff I didn't want to do right now.  Don't ya hate that?

BELLA:  Bubble 'n' Squeak is a rissole made from cooked potato and usually veges like corn, peas, etc.  I bought our's ready made from the supermarket.  Cheating, but we don't usually have left over potato and veg in this house!

Time to get dinner going I think...

I know it's Valentine's Day, but Stew and I don't usually give each other anything, as we see it as just a revenue garning day for retailers.  We don't need a 'special' day to show we love one another.

Anyway... what did my man go and do?

ABOVE:  Yep, he got me flowers!  Awwwww.  He said it was because he was so proud of me for doing so well with my new way of eating.  Double 'awwwww'.  

MARY H:  funny, just as well they are not edible!

Today is the first time I've felt a bit shaky about my resolve to improve my weight/health.  But, I will ride it out.  Once I'm in bed I will be fine.

End of Day:  a LONG day.  I hate having to spend time away from home...  I love being home ... how weird is that!  I'm almost done in the garage (for now), so I can start some sewing projects soon.
nite nite


  1. those vids were awesome! :)

  2. so cute Dante is and Steve Bex Dante even cuter...

  3. Can't wait to watch the videos once I am home.
    Glad the visit went well and yum yum to the steak & bubble 'n' squeak!

  4. What is bubble 'n' squeak? I've never heard of it here in the USA.

  5. Aww, lovely Stu and very you with bits of blue and yellow flowers coming through the cream ones, enjoy your valentines evening.

  6. Wow - nice flowers and SO you in the colours... My man also surprised me with a Spotlight voucher (WOOHOO!) and a gorgeously perfect single cupcake - daughter had it!! It was almost too perfect to eat!

    Soo tired... such a busy time of year at a school let me tell ya!

    Kate (444)

  7. Sweet of Stew:-) He shows you in lots of ways how much he loves you, but then always nice to get some flowers no matter what day it is!

  8. that's lovely of Stew to give you flowers, Chris. He's a keeper!

  9. Gorgeous videos of Dante!!!

    And beautiful flowers that Stew got you - love the colours! :)

  10. awww how sweet is that man of yours...

  11. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Are the flowers edible Lol
    Mary H

  12. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Chris I am super proud of you and this whole weight loss thing can be tough. But!! Go and read your blog and realise how strong that Chris was that ate well and went to the gym every day, sometimes twice per day!! She is still there, find her Chris you can do it!!!! Bec

  13. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Happy Valentines day!

    Chris - remember that if you are feeling hungry, especially right before bed, have a cracker or two with peanut butter on it. Or, a cracker with a piece of cheese. It will get you through the night.

    When we quit eating like we normally do, our metabolism sloooows down, so we must exercise a bit to bring it back up. Then we will start losing weight.

    When I lost 20 lbs I drank 16 ounces of water Before and After each meal. Plus, I ate an apple before lunch and before dinner. Of course I gained it back when I went on a cruise and ate my way through the buffet. But that is another story. LOL

    I've recently lost 15 pounds, since October. At first, I was treating myself once a week, for one meal, to eat whatever I wanted. I'm not doing that now as I've realized that "treat" isn't good for me. It was usually a grease dripping hamburger. Ha!

    Good luck, you can do this. Each day is a new day.

    Ky Girl

  14. Happy Valentines Day (belated)
    The videos have too much cuteness!

  15. Beautiful flowers!

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